
Here it is on the Eve of Christmas, not yet midnight, and somewhere out there is one and perhaps even more volunteers monitoring this site for a multitude of things, from pictures submitted to applications completed by potential new members and so on. What I don't know about those who make up Admin and what all their responsibilities are could fill half of an encyclopedia, but I do know they have vital jobs to do. This site would not function as well as it does---and I believe it functions well---were it not for the people who make up Admin.

I've written a few blogs and my general impression is that perhaps only forty percent---if that many---have joined in agreeing with me. So, I hope I am not messing up now by sharing these few thoughts. Indeed, I hope many will join with me in thanking these often unsung heroes.

Merry Christmas, Feliz Navidad, Buona Natale, and Joie Noel y'all. May your tasks not exhaust you; may the membership recognize in part what an important role you play. And, may you recognize that sometimes things might be better accomplished, whatever these may be, and even make the necessary adjusments.

Simply put: THANK YOU!

Last edited on 12/25/2022 8:02 AM by GINGERMAN; 1 comment(s)

I wish to commend whoever has made it possible to better display the profiles of our members. I don't know much about art but I know excellence when I see it, and the work, the effort put forth to enhance the best possible presentation of our members leaves me in awe of what has been accomplished. How long this enhancement, this magnificent improvement has been in the making of this I am not sure: it wasn't achieved over night that is for sure, and it took the efforts of very talented individuals to bring it about. Our ocular abilities are made the more spectacular by the presence of rods and cones; hence, we can see both black and white and shade of gray. But, more remarkable, we can she a vast palate of colors of greater variety than that of the rainbow. Miraculous and wondrous which we can now see here on Meet Fighters.

This is special what has been done. I believe most will agree with me. Is this all that will be done; is the job done? I don't think so. There will undoubtedly be more things that will be added to what we can see now and be thankful for. I hope that those members who possess far greater imagination and capabilities than I could ever hope to achieve will continue to add to this wonderful example of what is striven for: excellence, professionalism, and an organization that meets the needs of me such as those who will read this blog, and more. If there are some of you who feel you have an idea, I urge you to come forth and share.

Last edited on 6/06/2022 4:46 AM by GINGERMAN; 2 comment(s)


Someone once said we are all least at some point. Allow me, Reader, to point out the unsung heroes of this site: those who respond to requests for assistance in trying to resolve some problem, for instance. These members in the shadows but standing by to meet our needs/requests are volunteers, and unpaid at that. They readily give of their time and time is a valuable commodity. (Try and get another minute of life while you are passing ever so rapidly behond this world!) This day I received such a response that was almost hypersonic. (Okay, I admit that is a bit hyperbolic, but you get the idea: it was fast and understandable and did the trick.) I have had the pleasure of wrestling a previous volunteer, and whose fulfillment of his duties in the completion of his task was not always appreciated. And, I can attest that the guy was not only a swell person but a dandy wrestler. (Kicked my ass but left no bruises. Truth!) Today I wanted to add a person to my favorite list. He doesn't seek this, but he deserves applause: thank you munichsubfight.

I hope that you, Reader, will take the time to offer your thanks when you find yourself in need of a solution to a problem, etc. on this site.

Last edited on 5/02/2022 5:45 AM by GINGERMAN; 2 comment(s)

Meet Fighters has a unique array of men and women who enjoy participating in various forms of martial arts. Some do so for exercise; some for testing of themselves in various levels of competition; and, for a variety of other reasons. I believe Administration and its coterie of volunteers do everything possible to facilitate these activities, and more. I mean how many have encountered great stories, some even serialized, and thus enjoyed good reads. Blogs are fostered to allow members to share events in their lives, to describe problems they hope that members will take note and perhaps correct themselves in how they treat other members. We should be content with these provisions done to enhance and lead to contentment of our community. However...

Every so often we lose members. The reasons are often similar, but there are undoubtedly infrequent reasons for the temporary suspension and even permanent withdrawal.

I wonder if there are members who wonder why a former opponent, or even a soon to be opponent, suddenly disappears. There are some who may well say, “Oh, well...” Others may not be so blasé and wish they knew the reason, perhaps in the hopes that something could have been done to preclude these departures.

Much as when people unsubscribe from receiving some emails, many companies generating these emails provide for a reason to be offered. These are not obligatory to the unsubscription, but it serves a purpose. If you feel that we might be able to retain some of those who are lost, perhaps we can encourage Administration to undertake some sort of similar inquiry. I for one wish to see the membership grow and flourish. What say you? Do you think some form of inquiry would be helpful?

Last edited on 1/01/2022 10:55 PM by GINGERMAN; 7 comment(s)