
Wrestlebhoy is recommended by madridwrestler (6/23/2015)

It was - as expected a tough match - and he is definitely a strong wrestler that knows his way on mats. Though the wrestling space was a bit restricted we managed to have a good exchange of holds and had a sweaty good work out .

He likes his gear and looks good in it. Off mats he is a great host and a very nice guy to chat and hang around. If you go to Edinbyrgh , he is definitely a must to meet. We agreed we must have a rematch soon, there is still something pending between us :)). I just can give him my best recommendation.


VICENZAFIGHTER is recommended by LucaFight (6/23/2015)

Gran brava persona, simpatico e gentile, mi ha fatto piacere conoscerlo prima di tutto umanamente. Inoltre è bravo e forte specialmente di braccia, e ha dei gran bei piedi! Conto di incontrarlo di nuovo. :-)


nycguy86 is recommended by BenMonaco (6/23/2015)

Nice muscled body on this guy. Though he labels himself as a jobber in general, he can take a LOT of punishment and be nowhere near giving up. Give him a little while to master more moves and he might be a force to be reckoned with! Meet up with this sweet guy if you get the chance :)


Jefary is recommended by Supaboi (6/23/2015)

Jefary is a cocky lil guy, and was sure he was going to beat me, and said he would not submit. He put up a good fight, but I tamed him good, and he submitted ;) He was fun and hot to wrestle .

Off the mats a fun guy to hang with too. I look forward to our rematch in just over a month :)


LukasHuber is recommended by u-max (6/23/2015)

Ein kraftvoller und wendiger Ringer, der geschickt seine Griffe setzt. Wenn er einen einmal im Griff hat ist es fast nicht möglich herauszukommen. An zwei Tagen hatten wir jeweils sehr lange, harte Fights und hatten dabei unseren Spass. Ich konnte einige Griffe und Techniken von ihm lernen. Zudem ist er ein sehr sympathischer Gastgeber der außerhalb der Matte ein toller Gesprächspartner ist, mit dem die Zeit wie im Flug vergeht. Sehr empfehlenswert - ich hoffe auf ein baldiges Wiedersehen.


JayPuncher is recommended by glovedstomachpunchMi (6/23/2015)

Very enjoyable encounter, he knew exactly how to punch me in the stomach for maximum effect! Planning on getting together again soon!


TARZAN is recommended by small power house (6/23/2015)

I met Tarzan today, Had a fun but competitive match over 90 mins.
I found him to be strong, and a capable wrestler And very easy to get on with. I will look forward to our next match together and i would highly recommend Tarzan.
Round 2
This time we met at my matted room more room to move about he is still getting better and stronger and does not like to give in. If you get a chance to meet with John take it he is a great guy on and off the mats


glovedstomachpunchMi is recommended by JayPuncher (6/22/2015)

This guy can take stomach punches all day and then come back for more! Nice man really into the punching scene with lots of creative ideas. It was a terrific and erotic session and we're both looking forward to doing it again!


LucaFight is recommended by VICENZAFIGHTER (6/22/2015)

LucaFight è un ragazzo molto a modo, educato preciso e puntuale. Conoscerlo e lottare con lui è stato un vero piacere.
Forte di gambe, tenace e agile non si arrende facilmente.
Uno di quei lottatori che speri di incontrare nuovamente presto.
Raccomandato a tutti quelli che vogliono una lotta sana e divertente senza troppi grilli competitivi per la testa.


u-max is recommended by LukasHuber (6/22/2015)

Ein stets rauflustiger und zäher Kämpfer, der nie genug hat und immer wieder angreift. Seine Kraftausdauer ist bewundernswert, genau wie sein Streben, Griffe und Techniken zu perfektionieren.
Ein prima Gast, Gegner und Gesprächspartner, der jederzeit gern gesehen ist. Hoffentlich bald wieder!
