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Looking for Private fight venue near Chicago


6/16/2023 3:21 AM

Lots of fighters in the area, would be great if you were able to get something started, kinda like they did this spring in Vegas.


KOFistBoxer (1)

6/16/2023 3:35 AM

(In reply to this)

If you want to start some kind of group event that's all you. I never said anything about "getting something started". I am just looking for a private venue to use or rent.


Mike86 (250)

6/15/2023 11:52 PM

Not sure if it’s still operational but know people who used this one in the far NW Burbs


KOFistBoxer (1)

6/16/2023 12:41 AM

(In reply to this)

It is not at the moment. They don't currently have a location.


KOFistBoxer (1)

6/15/2023 7:00 PM

Looking for a completely private fight venue within about a 4 hour drive of the Chicago area. Indoor or outdoor is fine, but it would need to be something that isn't right on top of other neighbors or would be viewable to any person who happens to be walking by. Would be for a rough fight in minimal attire.

Please respond directly if you have or know of a specific place that is available. Vague/general ideas without a specific place would not be of much help. Thanks.

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