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Looking for a date?

JimDublin (7 )

1/07/2024 11:08 PM

That's fantastic buddy. Great to hear. Wish you all the best


Pinmeifyoucan (33)

12/15/2023 7:11 PM

I have been single for over 6 years due to being in a toxic and abusive relationship of 2 years. No baggage or drama and perfectly happy being single.

That being said I would date again but my first priority would be that my date or potential date is also a Wrestler. We could then resolve any arguments on the ring. Other qualities I look for; Someone with goals and good work ethic, common sense and a desire to succeed. Beyond that most things are negotiable. Blah blah blah blah.


Pinmeifyoucan (33)

1/02/2024 2:51 AM

(In reply to this)

Well I'm surprisingly now dating a wrestler I met and we have gotten together 3 times in less than a month. Our plan is to hang out Wrestle, Swimming and dinner or other activities. So far its been good so no longer looking for that but still want matches

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