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Poly Dom Looking for a Masochist Gladiator Sub

AnimalKO (0)

11/10/2023 4:23 PM

Very awesome.


FoundationalMat (0)

11/06/2023 7:43 PM

Hello, important note: I am a guy who is currently in a poly relationship with his primary partner. Please respect that if my partner or I want to close our relationship, my partner and I both come first for each other and will do so.

If these below descriptions fit you, feel free to PM with "Gladiator":

- You are down for dates and sessions in person. I am in Washington State, so either you need to live here or be able to travel regularly.

- You are in the age range of 20s to 30s, I will make exceptions for a man in his 40s if we mesh well.

- You train or want to train in a martial art.

- You enjoy physical and mental challenges with rewards and punishments.

- You are down with being told what to do and wear.

- You embody positive traits of masculinity.

- You like someone to provide you goals and structure.

- You like the idea of being sent to fight other men on this site to honor me. Lose and you will wish you hadn't.

- You support a safe and sane environment.

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