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Pro Wrestling PhotoShoot

Peter Hughes (57 )

3/26/2023 9:33 PM

I'll let you know if I'm ever in the area, buddy!


BigDave (8 )

3/27/2023 12:10 AM

(In reply to this)

Please do, would love the opportunity


BigDave (8 )

9/28/2022 9:57 PM

Hey fellas,

I am looking for Guys interested in doing a Photoshoot. Hosting in my Private Home Studio Space in the Los Angeles Area. or can also travel.

Tons of gear to model, doing this for no charge no expectation other than taking some photos of someone other than myself.

Photos will be kept private on my end and for you to use as you like.

Cheers and happy wrestling Fellas



Barriobruiser (72)

4/03/2023 7:01 AM

(In reply to this)

Still want to get back to the ring and def open to taking some nice shots. B.Bruiser


BigDaddyJ (1)

3/26/2023 8:55 AM

(In reply to this)

I’d love that! Maybe next time I’m in LA, if you’re still doing this.


BigDave (8 )

3/26/2023 9:27 PM

(In reply to this)

Absolutely, Reach out here when you do and we can schedule a time and place

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