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Regular erotic submission wrestling bud near UNLV. Come roll wutg a local wrestle bud.

AgentPoseidon (27)

8/27/2023 1:44 AM

Wow I just hate I can't edit that title now lol. wutg indeed.

Reach out to me anyway ha ha.


AgentPoseidon (27)

8/27/2023 1:43 AM

I have wrestled men in some form or another for over 25 years. I had 1 full year of direct advanced submission coaching in 2021 until the inheritance ran out. :) Covid and since I have only been doing private matches, sadly don't have the extra funds for a dojo.

I am very seriously and deeply into erotic catfighting, but with no punches. I am fine with non erotic rolls for exercise, teaching and learning.

But I very much do seek and enjoy erotic matches of common fetish interests. I have a deep foot fetish. Head scissors are my favorite hold.

I'm really looking for a bunch of long term local regular wrestle buds. Especially erotic ones. I know covid did a number on everyone but I'm vaxed to the hilt and ready to roll. Overcame recent heart trouble, and now that's managed well.

I of course welcome tourists with similar interests hosting me in their glam rooms on the strip or at my pad near UNLV.

Bring it and wrestle like you mean it. If you are a sub tell me that and I'll discipline you like you want. :)

I also love pools and pool wrestling, so mention that if you like getting wet.

Don't be afraid. Be a man and reach out for the good time you want. If you do, you'll at least get some poetry from me. Here's the latest one below.




Desiring this for ages,
we knew tonight was right .
Agreed. Committed. Fighting.

We took up positions
facing each other.
Nude. Hungry. Circling.

We wanted each other's
Intent. Focused. Gripping.

First you grabbed me.
Then I caught you.
Primal. Engaged. Exchanging.

Our egos fight too, not
just our bodies.
Trapped. Seized. Escaping.

Finally WHAM we hit the ground.
The impact stuns one of us.
On top, in Control. Pouncing.

The battle goes on for hours.
Our fighting spirits persist.
Savage. Animalistic. Dominating.

Eventually, spent, we tire.
But then somehow go on.
Exhausted. Determined. Punishing.

Finally one man's ego seals the deal.
Twisting that leg in the air to submission.
Cries. Taps. Exhilarating.

Victory arrives and so too does defeat.
Ownership ensues and so too does servitude.
Humiliation. Desire. Surrendering.

The stakes are now enjoyed
declared before our match.
Darkness falls. Celebration. Feasting.

At the end, you hurt so good
It was more than you imagined.
Violated. Enjoyed. Worshipping.

You eagerly await the chance
to earn defeat again.
Heaven. Daydreaming. Longing.

We will meet again in
full unrestrained combat.
Challenged. Fulfilled. Contending.

(C) 2023 Agent Poseidon. All rights reserved.
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