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Set of 4 blue Ringside 12oz lace up boxing gloves

Alan415 (1)

6/11/2023 6:12 AM

Did you sell the blue boxing gloves ?


BoxinCowboy (1)

12/19/2021 7:09 AM

I'd be interested....hit me up with a price and a pic


VTBoxer1 (0)

12/30/2021 9:26 AM

(In reply to this)

Hey. Here’s 12 oz info. Price is$40. for set of 4.


BoxerRhino (7 )

6/24/2023 11:20 AM

(In reply to this)

Did these get sold already?


VTBoxer1 (0)

12/14/2021 3:45 AM

Excellent condition set of 4 blue 12oz lace up TufWear boxing gloves.
$60. [email protected] .802-595-4464 message/text


flexboxer (78)

12/19/2021 4:29 AM

(In reply to this)

Any photos of these? Is it $60 per pair or $60 for all 4 gloves?

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