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U.K. / English branded singlet

Centaur (49 )

6/27/2023 9:25 PM

(In reply to this)

Thanks chap! I appreciate that, but that particular style will make me look like a spice girl on tour lol 😆

I’ve attached what “Ze Germans” have but can’t find a U.K. style like it! Guess we just don’t wrestle like the US and Europe!


surrey71 (22 )

6/28/2023 2:39 PM

(In reply to this)

You know we don’t - wrestling is seen by too many blinkered pathetic people as “gay sexual activity” - if it’s not WWE style crap then it’s not wrestling!
We don’t even field a team at our own Olympics!!


Barraboy (15)

6/27/2023 9:29 PM

(In reply to this)

Unfortunately, you're right.
I too much prefer the 'ol skool Olympic Wrestling singlets


Merseywrestle (64 )

6/27/2023 6:10 PM

Hi Centaur,
Did a search on various sites trunks and shorts yes but not singlets which I find strange.


Centaur (49 )

6/27/2023 9:25 PM

(In reply to this)

I know right! No lions of the U.K. singlets no nothing


Centaur (49 )

6/27/2023 3:46 PM

Hi guys, booked into a submission wrestling event on the continent does anyone here know of a place I can get a U.K. flag branded singlet?


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