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Vertex Wrestling Video Release


9/24/2009 3:23 PM

So, since you are advertising on my site, does it mean I'm getting a cut? :P


firecracker (17)

9/21/2009 4:58 AM

Vertex Video Wrestling is proud to announce the release of their latest DVD, Back to School: The Freshman Class. Featuring six action-packed matches, this release features JerBear and St Louis Heel as well as newcomers Vanyel, Firecracker, and SPJ in some fun pro action in the ring. The DVDs are now on sale at Vertex's website:

As always, Vertex is always looking for guys who would like to have some fun in the ring with us in southern Illinois. Our next session there will be held on November 7-8. If anyone is interested in joining us, please feel free to email [email protected]

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