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Where are all the big guys in London

iainscott 8 (45)

3/05/2009 3:06 AM


SPEEDO-WRESTLERS, the London based gay wrestling club has a number of bigger or heavier guys in its ranks.

If you join the club website which has around 1400 names on it and then post a message on the message board or put your details into the open database of wrestlers then you should find the contacts you are looking for fairly quickly.

There is even a large fully matted 16'x16' Wrestling Clubhouse available belonging to the wrestling club which you can wrestle in!!!



gripper (0)

2/08/2009 12:42 AM

I'll wrestle ya big man


rumbletumbleUK (9 )

1/11/2009 11:45 PM

I know they're NOT eating pies ;) lol

So where are the heavyweights do any exist in London?

Or is it a case for David Attenborough to search out?

Maybe Mulder n Scully?

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