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Lift and carry funs

gorilla press

fightercdb (0 )

10/14/2017 2:24 AM

chileno si me quieres cargar a mi adelante



9/30/2017 11:39 PM

Hola me gustaría conocer amigos que gusten cargar a otro yo dispuesto...
Any lifted Friends?


luchaador moreno (0)

4/18/2017 12:48 AM

hola llevo tiempo queriendo que algun chico me hiciera el gorilla press peso 79 kg y es mi lave favorito si estas dispusto a intentarlo hazmelo saber gracias

Hello I've been wanting some guy to make me the gorilla press weight 79 kg and it's my favorite wash if you're willing to try it let me know thanks


biceplover (2 )

4/20/2017 8:29 AM

(In reply to this)

hello there.

I hope you will find someone who can AND is willing to do so!
I am also very addicted to the gorilla press.
Have had it done for some times now, but the last time has been years aso :-(. I am also looking for guys who can...I weight almost the same as you: 75 kg (165lbs)
My best experience was in meeting a big bodybuilder who presst me up....walked to the mirror and "simply" did 8 reps with me!!!!
Pleaae tell me if you have any experiences.

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