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Member since 10.1 years
Age 42
Height 5'7" (170 cm)
Weight 132 lbs (60 kg)
Gender Male
Gear gi / kickbox trouser
Languages spoken English, German
Last login 3 days ago
Last update 11/15/2021



Show on map
  1. Germany, Berlin

I am willing to travel 50 kilometers


Kickboxing / Muay thai Kickboxing / Muay thai
Judo Judo

Match structure: Even match, Give and take, Practicing techniques, Two on one, Workout partner, Online chatting

Stand-up fighting: UFC/MMA style matches, Karate, Taekwondo, Capoeira, Ninjutsu

Miscellaneous interests: Friendship

Fetishes: Don't want sex, Jackoff, Gut punching, Nipple play, Cock fighting, CBT, Foot fetish, Trampling

Followers of kickfan


Bisher habe ich noch nie einen Kampfsport gemacht oder probiert.
Nach einem coolen ersten Sparring suche ich nun jemanden der Lust hat an mir als Sparring bzw. Trainingspartner (Dummy) zu trainieren, insbesondere Kick Techniken.
Das ganze natürlich völlig soft und ohne Power erstmal. Gerne regelmäßig auf Basis einer Freundschaft. Fragen dazu sind natürlich willkommen!!!

I have never trained or played martial arts before.
After a cool first karate sparring, I am now looking for someone who would like to train me as a sparring partner (dummy) - especially kick techniques.
The whole thing, of course, completely soft and without power at first. Gladly regularly on the basis of friendship. Questions are of course welcome!


kickfan has no cyber opponents.