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Member since 6.6 years
Age 30
Height 5'8" (173 cm)
Weight 205 lbs (93 kg)
Gender Male
Last login 2 days ago
Last update 8/15/2022



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  1. USA - Florida, Orlando
    Place of residence

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Boxing Boxing

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Thanks for checking out my profile! My name is Scott.

I’m a 25 year old grad student in Orlando, Florida. Currently living my best life spreading love and positivity to the people around me. #caffeinequeen

My hobbies include: traveling, watching movies with the sound off, and music. I love to take pictures as a hobby.
I do a lot of research and writing for my profession which I really enjoy.

Fun fact, I’ve seen 100+ artists live!

Love going to theme parks, and I’m Annual pass-holder for Walt Disney World. Hmu :)

Do you play Nintendo switch? Add me !
SW 3552-7810-6712

Perseverance, Communication, and respect are my highest values. I tend to be pretty shy until you get to know me.

I have notifications turned off on here, so feel free to message again if I don’t respond.

Looking for squash jobs, one sided matches, or getting crushed to smithereens by my opponent. I like long matches, getting smothered, slammed, submitted and squeezed.
I have prior experience in wrestling and boxing, and always fantasized about getting owned by a man twice my girth.
270lbs+ please


sk1234 has no cyber opponents.