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Maximus's blog

How to get a Match after turning 50

I write this at the start of a New Year wondering if it will be possible to get matches anymore ?. Apart from my age which seeems to be an issue there is the fact that i prefer to meet with guys the same weight but only seem to get Challenges from guys over 180lbs & no replies to my own offers.

What i don't understand is that even though i'm happy to travel to London & help cover cost of Matroom & even when age is claimed not to be an issue & your the same Stats you still can't even get a reply.

I have even considered trying to pursuade guys with cash incentives, so good luck to anyone approaching 50.

Last edited on 1/04/2011 5:43 PM by Maximus



matworker (101 )

1/06/2011 8:55 AM

Maximus. I am 50 this year and do understand your concerns.

I'm not sure if you're interested but....

What I've found useful is the group events. I attend many of the UK Events that are advertised on this site and I organise events as well. There is a wide variety of guys that attend them, all ages, shapes and sizes. I'd be surprised if you didnt get a match that you'd enjoy.

The beauty of the events is that you can arrange a private match for another time. The venue in Manchester has private areas for matches as well.

All the best and hope you get loads of matches.


RedCloudStreet (26)

1/09/2011 7:52 PM

I TOTALLY agree with Matworker, you can get matches while at the events and then exchange phone numbers etc, having met you both, twice you are 2 guys I wouldn't hesitate in wrestling in the future.Ok I know not everyone is as understanding about age, weight, etc Maximus, but, if you could get along to a match event, you may well be very pleasantly surprised. Hope you get some matches soon mate,look at me, the last long match I had was in september of last year,and I'm only 43, take care.
