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Well, this year I am trying to expand my experience and its been a great start....Frottage and oil wrestling have been added to the list! Both with really nice, hospitable guys and both in Glasgow! Mmmm, what is it about those Scots guys?! . Had a really good time with both of these meets and I would certainly like to repeat the experiences....Both theses guys have invites to share my hospitality here...this site has such friendly people.. . Meanwhile the new bathroom is undergoing its test period, prior to me dismantling the old bathroom to convert it into another guest room....anyone want a genuine cast iron bath?? Its just too big and heavy to get out in oune piece so I have consulted and expert who has told me exactly where to hit it with a hammer, to get four smaller bits of bath! . Onward and upward...more meets in the process of arranging before the end of the month. Happy days.

Last edited on 2/14/2011 8:07 PM by Wrestlertoo
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