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scubawrestler's blog

This is my fitness year

I have decided that wrestling and boxing alone are not sufficient for my fitness. I layover in hotels at least 2 nights a week, most times 3. And I have a gym in my house I rarely use, outside of the heavy bag. I have started the P-90X program, and am also working with Mike Chang as an online personal trainer. I started the first week of January. As of yet, I have not lost any weight, but I have gained significant endurance. The isometric and calesthenic exercises I am using are killer. They are almost exactly what we did in my boxing team in my high school. Wish me luck guys. I don't usually do well doing these things alone.

I'm also doing the weight workout, which has fortunately started out light.

Last edited on 1/17/2011 8:29 AM by scubawrestler



PatBoxer (4)

1/01/2012 7:59 PM

Okay, it's been about a year. Did Mike Chang's program work for you?


scubawrestler (90 )

1/01/2012 8:23 PM

(In reply to this)

It did while I was doing it. But as I noted in my original, I don't usually have luck doing exercise programs alone. What I really need is a regular workout buddy to push me. The program is really good when followed.
