Multiple messaging

MancsMonkey (0)

11/12/2011 6:51 PM

It was more to be able to arrange private meets. I have never raised the issue before.



11/10/2011 10:26 PM

AllFighters supports public events already.

Anyway, this sort of thing belongs on the Bugs and Suggestions page. Also, your idea has been rejected before. Sorry.


MancsMonkey (0)

11/10/2011 10:37 AM

Me and a few mates want to do an invite only meeting. Rather than communicate one-to-one to set it all up, any chance that AF might develop a function whereby you can communicate one to many or even many to many? I know it's probably complicated in all sorts of ways and might eman rather full inboxes etc. Justa thought. Thx 4 any help. MM

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