headlock20 is recommended by osakarob (3/07/2025)
Headlock20 is the perfect opponent: Muscled body, excellent pro technique, and a high endurance athlete with tremendous stamina. Handsome as hell too.
I’m happy he does pro-wrestling because that’s the only way I’d come out on top against this skilled fighter. Excellent fun with this great guy.
THE DARK KNIGHTS BACK is recommended by commandertc (3/07/2025)
Wow this guy is a beast! And beautiful 😍.. we had a quick match and boy was it worth it . I want more stud and I am coming hard for you !!! Off the mats a amazing heart and soul. Felt like I could talk to him for days . We will be having a lot of matches and of all different kinds. I know he will want his revenge soon 😈😈
wereltz is recommended by BearzinhoBlack (3/06/2025)
Êxtase, se puder denominar o que senti ao lutar com esse homem,foi êxtase, porquê foi super gostoso a luta, principalmente, imobilizar, ele não perde tempo e se encontrar uma forma,onde vá te prender, difícil ficar em consiga sair, principalmente sobre o mata leão,que delicia, acredito que eu o tenha dado um pouco de trabalho para ele, e fora a luta, companhia agradável, educado e gentil.
Espero ter outra oportunidade de luta
matt nbg is recommended by Raufmaniac76 (3/06/2025)
mattnbg und ich hatten uns zu einem Kampf beim Fight-Club in B verabredet.
Dass ich ihn dort zunächst gar nicht erkannte, hängt damit zusammen, dass er real noch attraktiver und v.a. auch deutlich jünger ausschaut als auf den Bildern, die ich von ihm kannte.
Unser Fight war recht kurz, aber schweißtreibend. Und nur weil er sich an diesem Abend schon mit sieben Kämpfern auf den Matten ausgepowert hat,. konnte ich mich (relativ ausgeruht) behaupten. Dennoch habe ich seine große Kraft spüren können und auch seine Bewegungen zeugen davon, dass er genau weiß, was er tut.
Sehr zu empfehlen und gerne wieder - dann hoffentlich noch ausgiebiger.
Dragonfly is recommended by BearRoma (3/06/2025)
Dopo anni di chat e varie volte in cui non siamo riusciti a vederci per un pelo, finalmente ce l'abbiamo fatta. :)
Dragonfly è un ragazzo alla mano, con il quale ti senti a tuo agio sin dall'inizio. Inoltre, ci si può parlare praticamente di tutto visto che la sua cultura spazia in diversi ambiti. Infatti prima e dopo l'incontro sono rimasto volentieri a conversare con lui, cosa che succede di rado. Nella lotta, un jobber resistente, molto flessibile (anche se lui dice di non esserlo :o)), con il quale ho potuto usare tutto il mio peso, sia nelle varie Boston Crab e Camel Clutch che gli ho fatto, sia nel trampling. Se capita nella vostra città non esitate a incontrarlo. A presto!
Rob89 is recommended by Friendlyfighter (3/06/2025)
I had the pleasure meeting Rob for a friendly match. We both have shared interest with gloves and trading punches. I had so much fun with him as he is both sexy and friendly .he is very respectful and I would recommend meeting him for a match.
Alex Santos is recommended by madridenrique (3/06/2025)
Tuve la oportunidad de luchar con Alex. Fue muy fácil ponernos de acuerdo y las reglas de la lucha.
Tuvimos una lucha heel jobber. Aunque apenas empieza es muy resistente. Y aguanta muy bien los castigos. Fue una lucha intensa,pero la disfrutamos bastante.
Fuera de la lucha una persona muy amable. Espero se arme la revancha pronto.
SunnyDayz is recommended by Mrbigarms (3/06/2025)
SunnyDayz has a lean ripped muscular build our size difference made it a bit difficult to have a competitive match so we oppted to just have fun. I think he enjoyed being tossed around & racked. He’s a great sport & gracious host. Easy to communicate with and an all around nice guy. Definitely recommend him.
SunnyDayz has a lean ripped muscular build our size difference made it a bit difficult to have a competitive match so we oppted to just have fun. I think he enjoyed being tossed around & racked. He’s a great sport & gracious host. Easy to communicate with and an all around nice guy. Definitely recommend him.
Mrbigarms is recommended by SunnyDayz (3/06/2025)
Had a good match with Mr BigArms. He has very big arms indeed. Massive muscle alpha. Picked me up and carried me around easily.
Had a good match with Mr. BigArms. He has big muscle arms indeed. Massive muscle alpha man. Picked me up and carried me around with ease .
subwrestler2 is recommended by Martymcfly (3/06/2025)
He kicked my ass
But going to have a rematch strong guy