SileX blogja



I got asked a few times recently about the anti-gay law that has been passed in Budapest. For those not aware, it was an anti-pedophilia bill that got, at the last moment, extended with a good chunk of homophobic articles. Below is my personal opinion on this:

Things are both good and bad. This latest thing is just usual cynical political maneuvering by our governing party which wants to present the liberal opposition as anti-family and pro-pedophilia. The majority of Hungarians are not homophobic, although it does exist and with enough state propaganda it can be stoked.
If you are interested in an English-language analysis written by a professional journalist and published in one of the few remaining opposition news sites, click this link:

Portrayal and promotion – Hungary's latest anti-LGBT law, explained

Last edited on 6/27/2021 3:59 PM by SileX; 25 comment(s)



So when I hear someone complain about something trivial such as having to wear a mask, my first reaction is "Oh no, did someone's need to protect themselves from a deadly pandemic infringe on your god-given right to be a jerk again?"

There are times when humanity faces a common threat like pandemics, global warming or the nearly-forgotten time when Venusians briefly invaded Earth until they decided that they just cannot bear our smell and left. And yes, it is inconvenient, but to do your part you have to wear your mask and take your vaccine, unless you are the few who can't due to some medical condition. Sadly, there's always the socially insensitive who will refuse and cheerfully spread the disease so it can become endemic, mutate and kill someone else's loved one.

Rant mode off.

Last edited on 6/13/2021 9:40 PM by SileX; 27 comment(s)

It's Common Decency!

What is considered "decent" or "indecent" depends on culture and era. I wonder if our standards will shift with all that's been going on.

Just as an example:


Last edited on 4/03/2021 8:14 PM by SileX; 25 comment(s)

So after some negative tests, I managed to meet my parents with my boyfriend and have a lunch and gifts almost like a normal year, but otherwise I was having real trouble getting into the spirit of the holiday.


Last edited on 12/27/2020 6:52 PM by SileX; 7 comment(s)

Prettier Than Smart

My mother is a wise woman.
I always listened to her when she spoke.
Too bad that I rarely understood!


Last edited on 12/26/2020 8:31 PM by SileX; 4 comment(s)