Male Catfights

The primal catfighting trifecta: Face Grips, Slapping and Hair Pulling

wa rassler (4)

5/15/2024 6:56 PM

A great, intense catfight (male or female) will try you physically, mentally, emotionally, sexually and spiritually. It’s as much a test of personality and willpower as it is a scrap. It’s the fullest example of one person versus another, each trying their own limits by pushing the other as far as they’ll go.

The physicality is obvious…afterwards you will feel it! But you have to be willing to handle and return a lot of verbal abuse, psychologically fight your opponent and of course use some cruel methods to your advantage, so letting go of social norms and focusing on winning using unfair tactics.

When two alphas meet, it’s all a question of who will break down the other’s dominant personality and get down to the submissive nature. Someone will eventually give up due to exhaustion of one form or another. Then the weaker person will show themselves.


Fighter Gary (24 )

4/22/2024 12:14 AM

Of course a cat fight is a competition for dominance and to some domination or submission can become more than just a fight. My concern stems from my view that man is naturally wired to always resist subjugation and slavery, so embracing slavery or domination beyond more than a fight game so that it becomes a lifestyle is troubling to me in the natural sense. I have the utmost respect for all who embrace either, because like everything in this life, one size never fits all.


AgentPoseidon (29)

4/22/2024 12:48 AM

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Thanks so much for your enlightened and complimentary commentary.

I believe Gary we each have competing doms and subs within us.

I was a sub for years and deeply adored this rough treatment from Dark dom Daddies. I wrote poetry about it. Many of which I have openly shared and continue to.

But then one magic night over a decade ago, I met this ultra sub named Chris. He wasnt on meetfighters. He contacted me through craigslist at the time.

He fit me like a glove and every time I applied a hold he melted and grooved into it, adoring every move I made and becoming like a son to me, but a loving young man as well. For me that was one of the hottest dates in my gay life. Yes we are legally adults so we are guilt free to engage and dive deep into these BDSM style relationships of many matches over many years together.

But the key thing here is Chris converted me, and super charged my hidden ultimate-form Heel. It felt good manhandling and squashing another man. It was ULTRA fulfilling for me.

Masochism is the strong inclination and desire to get controlled, challenged, trapped, tormented and owned. Fully.

Sadism is the desire to be the one dishing all that out.

This basic core relationship dynamic is at play every time two men fight. It is alive as they each play both parts during the roll as chance finds them at each other's mercy or lack thereof.

Let's talk now about the psychology of the Heel or Dom as we would otherwise call the Daddy or Sadist.

There is also a more technical term for this machismo tendency to fight, to love fighting and crave it and thrive in each roll. And that is agonophilia. To love the fight. To love to fight.

For me wrestling IS making love and to go along with that as you referenced, as a man I would naturally want my male ego to grow strong the more wins I get and men I own and I certainly do! If you get more after each match, that's awesomeness. But just to be able to say you joined bodies minds and souls and space with another guy and played with aggression and control and contention and you both won is everything.

It's what this site celebrates and supports between men:

The tireless eternal dance in our minds and on the mats: We love fighting and owning each other.

The concern you bring up from a dom perspective is best answered by Jobbers, Subs, and Masochists. But as I was one for decades I can tell you this: We love getting owned. And this beta combat orientation and mindset and feeling is just as complementary, expansive, deep and well formed as its opposite.

There might be any number of reasons a guy is a beta. He could have been raised by more passive or timid influences. Or maybe like in my case it was abuse at many bullies' hands.
But it feels good to have a hawt Daddy crawl all over you, surround you, mindfuck you with a deep voice in your ear, a firm grip on your face and darkly grip you in deeper places at his whims, guiding you to his dungeon of choice. In my case that primary dungeon is a wrestling mat, but nude beaches, pools and showers are also welcome...I take all men who would lock up with me on any of those battlegrounds.

Let's Fight!

Agent Poseidon



4/23/2024 2:21 PM

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Agent Poseidon wrote,,," Bitch Slapping:
This is like an attitude adjusting nuke on brain, which is right next to the face. Several of them can leave a man both stunned and outraged, or conversely overwhelmed, intimidated and humiliated. "
My first real fight and total humiliation, ( I've had two, this was the first) was a beating I took from a 12 YO bully/tough kid when I was 13. Dating his ex g/f, Becky, he and three of his friends cornered me at the local park, his friends grabbed me, and the beating started, the start and the finish featured him open handed slapping, holding my hair so he could slap me at will, many fists in the belly then slapping me till I begged him to stop, a crowd watching the fight. The humiliation was off the charts. Becky seemingly pleased to be the object of the fight.


AgentPoseidon (29)

4/24/2024 2:46 AM

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Thank you for sharing that. Looking back how did / does that beating experience inform your desires today?


Tintinfight (33)

4/21/2024 5:55 PM

Great comment man...


Stevie (15)

4/21/2024 3:14 PM

All very much accurate!


Fighter Gary (24 )

4/21/2024 7:31 AM

"Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face" (or mouth) ....Mike Tyson


AgentPoseidon (29)

4/20/2024 9:27 PM

I don't know what it is about these three but the willingness to cross the boundary of respect and dignity for abother guy's face has always fascinated me and turned me on.

Primally and psychologically speaking it is shocking yet exciting to watch, overwhelming and humiliating to receive and extremely satisfying to administer deep discipline on the face and head of a rival.

And it is the hallmark of a deep intense primal catfight between 2 men (or women).

And its even better with verbal abuse, trolling and degradation while locked on and in progress.

The man receiving these grips feels stunned, cornered, intimidated and overwhelmed. There is this disbelief this face he is proud of and shows the world every day is now no longer his, but someone else's and panic can set in, along with disorientation, as well as limited or compromised vision, hearing, taste, smell and breathing depending on the kind of attack deployed.

And a consuming rage can set in, strongly desiring to do the same to the oppressor's face in return once he has survived and escaped the onslaught and torment.

Bitch Slapping:
This is like an attitude adjusting nuke on brain, which is right next to the face. Several of them can leave a man both stunned and outraged, or conversely overwhelmed, intimidated and humiliated.

Face Gripping:
A deep dive into the psyche as well as the face, a prolongued hold retrains the brain into submitting to disorienting, even paralyzing unexpected emotional ownership. And even secret enjoyment of utter and complete ego annihilation.

Although commonly applied with the hands, rivals can also use every part of the bare feet on the face to same or greater effect because now you add the psychological disrespect of controlling an opponent under foot: a powerful and overwhelming emotional attack as the legs and body weight can back up the grips with add significant force and humiliation.

Hair pulling:
Sharp sudden scalp pain which easily forces and relocates the head wherever the oppressor wants it to be or go. It is an excellent distraction and technique to force an opponent to release their existing hold on you.

I employ these three together as a trifecta arsenal of humilating weapons when I want to attack and wear down a rival emotionally, along with verbal degradation and discipline, setting them up to surrender if I can maintain control long enough for confusion, overwhelm, pain and fatigue to do their part and hand me the raw primal ego satisying victory. Please log in to view gallery photos.


Stevie (15)

4/22/2024 3:20 PM

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Consequences of a Catfight

When two rival females fight each other, they have a lot to potentially lose. The main purpose of a catfight is to humiliate and degrade the other. Each woman will attempt to inflict damage to specific areas of her foe’s anatomy in order to disgrace her.

Scarring her enemy’s face and other body parts is significant. Taking away the attractiveness of her opponent is a priority. Blows to the face and nose can be effective for this purpose. Punches in the mouth can loosen and tarnish teeth and ruin lips. Eye gouging can prove vital to winning the fight and also in disfiguring the rival. A woman’s hair is her glory. Ripping it out further humiliates her.

Punches and kicks to the abdominal area can also damage her enemy’s reproductive organs. If possible, the fighters will attack exposed areas like the breasts and vaginal region. If those areas can be severely injured they can take away the sexual pleasure of her competitor, again furthering the disgrace of losing the fight. If a woman losses a fight it can be devastating to her, both physically and emotionally.


Bigboy85 (0)

5/10/2024 3:33 AM

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Fantastic point of view.


Beefyscot (2)

4/21/2024 7:49 AM

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All good and true

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