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Stakes, Spoils, and Post-Match Punishment

What would you do (2)

georgiaboxboy (0)

5/17/2018 9:28 PM

A lot of big talk here.


wrestlerguy21 (11 )

5/17/2018 1:30 PM

that would be a very good one. tie his cup over his nose and mouth. every groin attack he received during the fight will be nothing compared to what happens now to his groin. when I'm done he'll be walking like a girl for a long while.


Jobberpunisher (16)

5/10/2018 6:53 AM

Tell him he is going to pay for that then reapply all the holds but each with a crotch attack twist he is not allowed to submit until your finished with him then you claim him twice


Wrestleforfun77 (0)

5/09/2018 4:23 PM

Take off cup. Multiple the number of groin attacks in fight by 10, then deliver that.


ProShouto (6 )

5/09/2018 3:27 PM

What would you do in this situation
So you have been wrestling the new kid on the block , 19 , very fit and good looking
It’s his second match so you decide to show no mercy
After all your ass is on the line and you are t gonna lose to some teenager

You start the match and to no surprise you are winning you are giving your punishment out brilliantly and your opponent is suffering beautifully

You are completely destroying them in a arsenal of holds and eventually he finally submits to you he is on the floor barely able to make any type of comeback

You start to claim your victory by taking off his jockstrap but to your surprise your opponent was wearing a cup and he had faked and sold all the attacks in his groin

You smile and smirk evilly



Riverside10 (0)

5/16/2018 11:09 PM

(In reply to this)

Tie that cup across his nose and mouth, make him breathe his scent in while you increase the ferocity of the groin attacks from the fight.


cockyjobber (0)

5/17/2018 2:50 PM

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