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FoxyBoxer is recommended by Catalan Boxer (12/03/2018)

I met Ash on Saturday and I had a great time with him. We did six rounds of boxing and a bit of gut punching. He can take a lot of punishment and he is a challenging opponent. Last but not least, Ash is a very kind guy, definitely someone worth meeting.


Adelaide wrestler is recommended by Tripolar (12/03/2018)

We matched up well physically and that was reflected in an even tight match. He is strong and compact and gave me a good sweaty workout. I’m glad I got to wrestle him during my trip to Adelaide.
On top of a fun wrestle, he’s a great guy to chat with and a welcoming host. And it’s a plus when you find someone who understands your nerdy humour. Hope we meet again one day.


wrest87 is recommended by fitspeedo (12/03/2018)

Hot, lean, young guy. We wrestled more than a couple of hours trading and working holds. And when he puts on a hold he locks it in like a python. He can take it pretty well too - he took a lot! Very fun, safe, and dependable - would certainly meetup again to make him tap some more!


Leorlas is recommended by ROULE44 (12/03/2018)

Despite the first cold of winter, there was a lot of perspiration on the mats.
A very committed fight man2man, or everyone wanted to dominate. Leorlas has a lot of strength and powerful legs, where you have to get out quickly.
Very physical fight, you have to be fit
totally recommended


toro is recommended by tzitzi (12/03/2018)

Super great wrestler and personality!
Tight , hairy, hot body! Great wrestling skills! Super hot beast! Fast, super strong arms and back, gave me really hard time on the matt , reviling his dominant side but at the same time pure fun and safe , enjoyable match.
As a person , super kind, great company, very social and funny. Totally reccomended to spend time with him , wrestling or in any other way!


JUDOMARS is recommended by Mirceal (12/03/2018)

Gosh ! I met a legend !!! 😊 des mois d’échanges et des calendriers souvent incompatibles , quand Judomars m’a proposé une rencontre last minute j’ai couru ! Que dis-je ?!? J’ai volé pour saisir l’opportunité !!!
Et vraiment aucun regrets , car JudoMars est une véritable référence ici , un vrai warrior qui sait vous sortir de votre zone de confort pour pousser votre potentiel : de l’énergie , du fun et ô combien de sueur ! Quel plaisir d’avoir eu le privilège d’affronter ce lutteur à la fois technique , et à la puissance suggérée par sa carrure tout en muscles 💪🏼 ( je veux les mêmes bras moi !!! 🤣)
Session virile et sport , mais tout en confiance, qui a permis d’aborder d’autres aspects de combat à la fois primal et gorgé de testostérone ! Merde , j’ai un fauve qui sommeille en mois en fait !
En dehors des empoignes un mec adorable, avenant et accueillant qu’il est agréable de découvrir ...
Dominant moi ? J’en doute encore 😅 mais la certitude est qu’il m’a donné envie de me dépasser et de faire preuve de discipline à l’entraînement pour avoir ne serait-ce une infime chance d’avoir le dessus lors de notre prochaine rencontre ... car c’est certain je le reverrai avec grand plaisir !
Ai-je besoin de préciser que je le recommande chaudement ? 😜


toro is recommended by musclechris80 (12/03/2018)

This guy is a real Toro, a Bull. Had the privilege to wrestle with him and the luck to be jetlagged. Otherwise I had no chance against him. Pretty strong, with big wide back, lethal solid legs, and tough chest.
Before meeting him I was sure that the fight would be great and hot, but ...it was even better!
After stoping wrestling we had nice relaxing time. It was when I noticed that Toro is what we call a great guy to deal and share time with.
Higly recommended!


Excalibur is recommended by Andrew83 (12/03/2018)

I enjoyed our match with Bassel. Hope, we will meet again soon.


dg duffy is recommended by BlondViking (12/03/2018)

Ringmaster is a very friendly and strong wrestler. We had a bout in his hotel room and it was so good that I came back the day after to get a revanche.

A pro tip: Don’t let him get over you since he is almost impossible to move, at leadt with legal moves.


Mirceal is recommended by JUDOMARS (12/03/2018)

Un gaillard surprenant que voilà ! un athlète, un vrai car l'empoigne a été virile comme on dit, bien dégoulinante de sueurs partagées, et de fun entre potes. Agile, souple, bien foutu, et avec un bon cardio, il ne se laisse pas faire du tout, c'est un dominant dans l'âme, même si par modestie il vous racontera le contraire... Un mec jovial, intéressant, et plein d'élan pour ce sport. Ponctuel, gentleman, mais la bagarre a été chaude. Voilà un gars que je recommande vivement à tous mes potes de ce site et d'ailleurs ! Merci encore, et à bientôt pour la revanche !
