
robertvogt is recommended by rudifight (7/06/2015)

robertvogt ist ein sehr starker kämpfer, obwohl ich anfänger bin, hat er sich auf meine leistung eingestellt. hat mir sehr viel spass gemacht. freue mich auf den nächsten fight


rudifight is recommended by robertvogt (7/06/2015)

hat spass gemacht mit ihm zu ringen obwohl er Anfänger ist.Freue mich schon auf ein nächstes treffen mit ihm


musclechris80 is recommended by scotsgrappler (7/06/2015)

Wrestled Chris again after an interval of a year. All the positive recommendations for this Greek powerhouse get my agreement. You are supposed to progress over time with experience, right? Well either I am regressing or he packed on more muscle and mat time. I pat myself on the back at the latter conclusion (clearly the most likely). He fooled me by agreeing best of 12. We got to 6-5, bizarrely in my favour (ok, a few tricks were sprung but just look at what I was facing). Then he drew even we moved on to a timed 30 minute battle. ..not quite fighting for survival but grabbing breath was in there. Utter defeat : 7-2. I best book into the gym before demanding a rematch. Totally recommended l.


Flax is recommended by Tigerrific (7/06/2015)

Flax is strong for his size and a capable, versatile wrestler who knows how to work his moves. Thanks for the intense match!


Tigerrific is recommended by gwrest (7/06/2015)

Awesome and nice guy, and had a pretty hot match too!


Wrestledad is recommended by manbarbs (7/06/2015)

Nick is very strong and skilled - we had a great promisison give and take
Damn this guy can handle some moves = and boy can he dish it out.
Don't be fooled by his shy manners initially when he gets into it ...he does become a hard vicious heel with some slow talking trash talking. His camel (which he put about 7 times on me) is painful taking me to the edge every time -he is great working every move slowly and methodically. He has huge legs -so with my big legs ...all leg locks * fig4s, Indian death locks were killers! Showed him how to finish off his opponents with sleepers....after a few hours he was putting me out in combo camels ....this guy should not to be missed. Off the mat he is the nicest respectful sexy man - so easy going ...on the mats his animal heel instincts get released and u will be in a world of hurt but all safe and sane. 2 days later -i'm still feeling our match


AD idf is recommended by tyrom (7/06/2015)

Personne accueillante et respect de l adversaire .Vif avec force .Malgré mon manque d expérience , j ai apprécier les techniques qui m a montrer pendant la lutte , et on a bien suée . J ai passer un bon moment . J espère a bientôt
je le recommande !!!


ulx1 is recommended by Smallbutstrong1981 (7/06/2015)

I had a great time with this guy. On and off the matts we had a lot of fun. We also worked out together and i learned a few things about powerlifting. He is powerfull like hell but adapting to your level. I hope we can meet again this year.


AD idf is recommended by The Beast (7/06/2015)

Un sacré combattant tres fort et surtout très technique... Et aussi un super prof ;)
Sinon, un mec adorable avec qui c'est un plaisir de discuter.
A bientot pour la revanche!
Tres vivement recommandé


The Beast is recommended by AD idf (7/06/2015)

Après pas mal d'échanges on a réussi à ce rencontrer. Jeunesoumis est plein d'entrain, motivé, costaud, resistant juste un peu plus de techniques le rendra redoutable. En attendant une très bonne séance, très agréable même si, désolé pour toi, tu as un peu manger le tapis pour cette fois.

Sinon en dehors un gars très agréable avec qui il est facile de discuter.

A refaire très vite et forcément recommandé.
