

Member since 12.0 years
Age 48
Height 6'3" (191 cm)
Weight 220 lbs (100 kg)
Gender Male
Orientation Bisexual
Looking for Male or Female
Gear Speedos
Languages spoken English
Last login today
Last update yesterday


Show on map
  1. USA - New York, New York City
    Place of residence

Past opponents


Pro wrestling Pro wrestling

Match structure: Give and take, Squash match, Play wrestling, Tag team / group fights, Two on one

Miscellaneous interests: I'm a heel, I'm a jobber, Stakes

Followers of NYCJobber


I enjoy pro fantasy erotic style wrestling. Despite my profile name I can be either a jobber or heel. Matches with body splashes, piledrivers, bearhugs, sleepers, and spladles are a plus. Also into mixed wrestling scenes, & 2 vs 1...would like to also try and tag team match one day. Prefer guys with smooth builds, I also prefer wearing a mask.

Will be traveling a bit the next few months (April to July 2024), Florida, DC and New England area are in the works.


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