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JasonFL's blog

Anyone else seem to notice more wrestling taking place recently?

In general, it would appear that more wrestling is taking place here in FL. Obviously, as the Pandemic is moving more to an endemic stage, guys feel more comfortable meeting for matches. But it also seems that guys are more willing to meet with others that they weren’t keen on meeting before. And I’ve heard of more spontaneous matches occurring — these being matches without the typically endless messages/chatting/planning that usually takes place before a match ever happens. Even heard about a few matches taking place within hours of guys connecting online!

So is this a trend others are seeing/experiencing in their areas or just a local, extraordinary blip? Are guys reacting to a year of pent-up frustrations of not being able to meet ? Or have attitudes changed after going through the supposed “end of the world” of 2021?

Last edited on 10/10/2021 11:03 AM by JasonFL; 3 comment(s)

For those legit wrestlers –

Just read that the Golden Gate Wrestling Club will be closing after 40 years.

Sad news.

Last edited on 8/18/2020 12:41 AM by JasonFL; 1 comment(s)

Little Known Fact

History neglects to mention that the 1621 feast between the Pilgrims and the Wampanoag tribe also included submission matches after dinner which the Indigenous braves easily won by use of the repeated use of the Indian deathlock.

Additionally, the tradition of breaking of the wishbone originated from this first Thanksgiving as many a submission was garnered from the Pilgrims via the dreaded spladle.

Last edited on 11/24/2016 12:29 AM by JasonFL; 3 comment(s)