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Mark uk's blog

US trip to Dallas and Seattle.

Well I am at the end of another trip and had a blast. Wrestling in Dallas was a first for me but by no means the last. First on the list was rassledfw (ryan), cocky son of a bitch but has the skills to show for it. Awesome match and learnt a few things too. He had the edge on me but i would never tell him that. lol SH0308 is a new guy but boy was he hungry to learn. great great match and superbly nice off the mats too. Jester2008 was a big surprise for me. I wasn't expecting much of a challenge and how wrong i was. Mr determination is my new name for this guy. A few more lessons and he will give alot of guys a hard time. A return match with rassledfw had to happen before I left and yet again i enjoyed the match and his company hugely. Finally a special mention for two guys i didn't get to wrestle Dungeon_master (alex) a legend and now a great friend. met twice for dinner but unfortunately he wasn't able to wrestle. we will next time. Last but by know means least. BigDaddy, all talk, sets up a meet and then cancels it all becomes my fault and I am not his type anyway. Seems his reputation is as bad as I was told but hey, if he wants to be rude then block me so i can't respond then let him. Don't waste your time on this one guys he's an ass. Second leg Seattle and i hook up again with young timmy1. great guy and loves a bit of pro. this kid can not only take a huge amount of punishment he can dish it out too. Thats it for this trip other than a spider bite in Dallas on my last night. Can't decribe the pain i was in by Tuesday when i went to see the Boeing medical centre. Hey, but we're fighters and life goes on.

Last edited on 9/30/2012 12:29 PM by Mark uk
