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Freestyle Wrestling

Sin City 2023

t dawg (61)

10/16/2022 10:04 AM

Is this normally the second weekend of January? Was hoping it would be later in the month!


TxFighter (2 )

10/04/2022 1:14 AM

Awesome! So I’m going independently (no school affiliation)

Any tips for a newbie?


Yusufu (36 )

10/04/2022 5:08 PM

(In reply to this)

Biggest advice is have fun! It's not a super serious event, and most everyone is super cool folks. It's quite a good time. Make sure you bring the proper gear.


SeattleFight (471)

10/03/2022 6:44 AM

I believe it’s on. I’m going to try to go.


TxFighter (2 )

10/02/2022 6:22 AM

Hey everyone. Do we know if they are holding wrestling/grappling at Sin City in Jan? If so, who is planning on attending?


Yusufu (36 )

10/03/2022 2:52 PM

(In reply to this)

Yes it's up on the sin city classic site now to get hotels. The event registration should be coming soon. Normal is posts October/November ish. But get your rooms booked

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