
dcprowrstlr is recommended by Sunny DeLeon (2/22/2020)

Met this guy at the 2020 Wrestlefest event in NYC. I got the first sub on him and got overly cocky. Young gun was not having it and punished me with some excruciatingly painful holds. His grapevine is pretty nasty and so are his body scissors. Great trash talker and knows how to put a cocky jobber in his place. We had a lot of fun in a variety of gear. Hope to have more matches with him soon!


LutadorBerlin is recommended by OefightBln (2/22/2020)

Hallo, ich kann Lutadorberlin uneingeschränkt empfehlen. Er ist sehr stark, hat viel Ausdauer und gibt sich einfach nicht geschlagen. Das ist das was man sich wünscht. Muskelkater danach vorprogrammiert. Dank der relativen örtlichen Nähe werden wir uns wohl öfter auf der Matte sehen. Und da man nicht nur kämpfen kann, auch neben der Matte ein sehr angenehmer Mensch :-)


HansAuslander is recommended by Sunny DeLeon (2/22/2020)

I met Kaiserky at the 2020 Wrestlefest event in NYC. He was my first opponent of the fest and easily tossed me around like a rag doll. He got two subs out of me very quickly but I fought and answered back with 2 of my own. The last round he bested me with his powerful legs. It was a fun match and Kaiserky is a really nice guy to talk to. Hope we can be good friends!


mike9293 is recommended by mdguy95 (2/22/2020)

Met Mike at wrestlefest in NYC, we only had a shirt time to wrestle but in that time we had a blast! He is strong and knows some good moves to make me tap. Off the mats, he is a super nice guy to talk to and would welcome a match with him anytime!!!


flexsfit is recommended by BrickWall2018 (2/22/2020)

I highly recommend flexsfit to everyone. He is reliable, safe, strong, and a very nice guy. We had a good time and got in quite a workout! Again, I completely recommend him to anyone to meet up and get in some wrestling!


sagittaron2 is recommended by NYleanmuscle (2/22/2020)

Don't let his size fool you. He is a sparkplug of energy and power who keeps you honest on the mat. Still new to wrestling but gives his all to keep you from submitting him. Loads of fun and sweat! Easy to schedule a match and a true sportsman. Hope we connect on his home base next time.


Crendal is recommended by wrestleuCa4Fun (2/22/2020)

Got to roll for the 3rd time with this skilled great guy. He’s legit in skill and character . Glad he took the time to visit . He’s a talented grappler and is great to tone it down to my level . ————————-, Strong as all get up and says he doesn't workout . Hate to mess with him if he did. He forfeited his Jujitsu training to just work on some grappling at my level of skill. We had a couple of hours of exhausting hold exchanges. What a blast . If you get the chance to wrestle this guy do it. Just watch out for his stealth skills .


Wrestledown49 is recommended by otterslacks (2/22/2020)

If you get the chance to roll with this stud don’t pass up a hot, competitive, and sexy match. With huge arms and a solid furry chest, he was able to overpower me no problem. Didn’t mind being tossed around by a true beefcake though because we had a sweaty strip match so I ended up with the real win 😬. Shame we aren’t closer because this guy is only getting bigger and stronger; I can’t keep up!


SturmandDonner is recommended by hubbi (2/22/2020)

SturmundDonner ist ein sehr kraftvoller und ausdauernder Ringer. Er hat sehr gute Techniken und versteht seine Kraft sehr gut einzusetzen. Wir hatten schweisstreibende Fights in Öl was ungeheuren Spass machte, Aber auch sehr gefordert hat. Er ist ein sehr zuverlässiger Gegner, ein cooler Typ, mit guten Gesprächen außerhalb Der Matte. Es verging die Zeit wie im Flug. TOP EMPFEHLUNG!!!! Hoffe auf Wiederholung.


otterslacks is recommended by Wrestledown49 (2/22/2020)

Had a really sexy match with this guy a while back. Nice lean athletic build and knows how to use it. We both had a good work out and he even had the upper hand the most part of the match working over each other’s muscles 💪🏼 all of them ;)
The guy is hitting the gym and I’m getting ready for round 2
