
boxingfan89 is recommended by Marcwrestler (9/15/2018)

Had a fantastic match with boxingfan89 ! I HAD A BLAST with him! I was not expected to meet him in California during my stay and finally in the last minute, i get him jump in the ring at Santa Ana. It was a huge surprise forme with a fantastic hot man. He is so friendly with a great smile and with hot wrestling gear! I completely squashing him with my wrestling arsenal holds in the ring! Also i did lot of gutpunching on his abs and chest and others parts... He sound that he loved it! : ) Highly recommended, CAN'T WAIT to go back to Santa Ana for kick his ass again! : ) I am ready for ROUND 2 ! : )


ready2fight is recommended by Lkg2trn (9/15/2018)

I had a great time wrestling ready to fight! He sure was. The matches were long and intense, he was so hard to tap! Lots of fun and a really nice guy. Round 2 some day!


Kevin is recommended by Scissor Guy (9/15/2018)

Had an awesome meet with NBN! Super friendly, athletic and lots of fun. He certainly likes to be on top :). Had a great time chatting with him too.....interesting guy! Wouldn’t hesitate to meet him again!


wrestlingkit is recommended by Hardmatch (9/14/2018)

I had been in touch with wrestlingkt over the years. I hate to admit that I had never been able to wrestle him, despite having been to Sitges/Barcelona a number of times. We finally were able to correct that the other night.

Communications with him were great. He looked up the train schedule for me and drove me to and from the train station to his place.

I knew that I would have to wrestle very hard against him in order to win. He is a very powerfully built and experienced wrestler. From past recommendations and hearsay, I knew he would be a formidable opponent. While I wrestled as hard as I could, it is safe to say that he dominated the day. Am I complaining? Absolutely not! I had a great time.

Wrestlingkit is a great guy, both on and off the mat. Highly recommended.


Mirceal is recommended by albc (9/14/2018)

A l'occasion d'un mini tournoi, je suis le premier à affronter Mirceal : j'aurais peut-être dû attendre qu'il se fatigue un peu avec d'autres lutteurs, la prochaine fois je saurai... Face à moi un gaillard au regard profond et un petit sourire en coin. Il a de la force le garçon, ses enchainements sont maîtrisés, il ne me reste plus qu'à subir ! Attention à ses jambes, hyper puissantes ses ciseaux sont redoutables et pas moyen de s'en échapper. Sorti du tapis, c'est un plaisir d'échanger avec Mirceal, il est très agréable, et allie humour et charme...
Alors ne manquez à aucun prix une rencontre avec Mirceal !


kimmetje is recommended by albc (9/14/2018)

Quelle superbe rencontre à l'occasion d'un tournoi ! Superbe ne signifie pas que vous sortirez gagnant, n'y comptez pas trop... Kimmetje pratique la lutte mais pas seulement, il est un sportif accompli, un solide cardio, beaucoup de force et de calme. Il a eu le dessus tout au long de notre rencontre. En rajoutant de la technique il deviendra invincible !
J'ai éprouvé un grand plaisir autant à lutter avec lui que dans nos échanges : toujours souriant, très naturel, Kimmetje combine à merveille le charme et l'intelligence.
Même si sur le tapis vous n'avez que peu de chances de vous en sortir, ne manquez surtout pas une rencontre avec ce lutteur.
Evidemment, vivement notre prochaine rencontre !


FerrelFighter is recommended by StayReady (9/14/2018)

What a great math from start to finish. We were evenly matched and waited for several mins to see who would get the final pin. Had a great time. Definitely would like a rematch and definitely would recommend


wjones is recommended by OefightBln (9/14/2018)

September '18:
With wjones I met relatively spontaneously here in Berlin. Although a little smaller than me (which is not so difficult), but a powerhouse and ready for a fight every minute. So it was not surprising that we had a good time together this afternoon. The wrestling was a lot of fun, and otherwise wjones is a man with whom one enjoys spending his free time. The strategy of not chatting so much before has come true. Just meet and do. And otherwise we had a lot to talk about all sorts of topics. Thanks for the endurance, to endure my bad English :)


nycjock72 is recommended by Joe1717 (9/14/2018)

NYC is a solid, muscled, handsome guy. Wrestling him was a really fun time and who wouldn’t want to squeeze the hell out him. But he’s no push over - powerful arms, vice grip legs, strong abs, solid chest, and great stamina to take bear hugs and other crushing maneuvers. Tough tough guy to get a submission out of. He’s a nice, patient, professional, discreet guy too. Had fun talking and laughing through the wrestling. Couldn’t recommend him more. If you’re lucky enough to get an invite to meet up with him, jump at the chance. And I have to mention, perfect hygiene and appearance from suit to briefs all the way in between.


StayReady is recommended by FerrelFighter (9/14/2018)

Aakingman is a great competitor. When he walks in, you might look at his size, and think,"I'll be able to throw this guy around". Well, don't be so sure! He is strong and quick and just never gives in. And watch out for his scissors. Once he locks around you, you are NOT getting out! We were about even for strength, had a great match. I def hope to meet up and wrestle Aakingman again.
