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NYleanmuscle is recommended by tzitzi (3/17/2017)

We met during a group meet in London. He was the one who suggested me to join and i am glad and thank him for that.
We had competitive rounds , full of sweat, the way i like it, competitive but friendly and absolutely safe at the same time. He is in great shape, very fit and skilled , obviously more experienced than me .I was paying attention all the time to learn from his moves.
You can also enjoy his company, because he is a sociable and smart person, interesting personality. Can make you feel comfortable very easily.
Go for him, you won t regret it!


Sedefier is recommended by mature jobber (3/17/2017)

Rencontre sympathique, agréable et stimulante!


ausrasren123 is recommended by fighter1977 (3/17/2017)

Ich konnte es gar nicht glauben wie schnell und spontan wir uns getroffen haben. Wir haben begonnen zu schreiben und kurze Zeit später haben wir schon gekämpft in Wien. 2 Tage lang schenkten wir uns nichts ;-) War einfach ein sehr geniales Treffen mit ausrasren123.
Seine Kraft darf man auf keinen Fall unterschätzen. Er hat auch ein großes Mundwerk was den Kampf noch interessanter machte ;-)
Würde sagen es war ein ziemlich ausgeglichener Kampf…. Kraft gegen Kraft+Technik ;-)))
Beim nächsten Mal kämpfen wir auf richtigen Matten und dann sehen wir weiter.
Sehr empfehlenswert und ich würde mich freuen SEHR BALD wieder gegen ihn zu kämpfen.


fighter1977 is recommended by ausrasren123 (3/17/2017)

Ich habe fighter1977 in wien getroffen, hatten nen match ausgemacht, nen flug und hotel gebucht und 2 tage lang gekämpft. Alles war also super spontan und easy zu organisieren. Kampftechnisch hat er mir mit seiner jahrelangen cluberfahrung natürlich einiges voraus. Den unterschied konnte ich denk ich jedoch ganz gut durch pure kraft bereinigen;p Mal sehen wie ein kampf auf richtigen matten ausgehen würde, wenn er all seine techniken richtig einsetzen kann.
Sehr empfehlenswerter fighter und dude. Gerne wieder!


mature jobber is recommended by Sedefier (3/17/2017)

Amateur de corps à corps serré et cho.


wrestlerplace is recommended by SileX (3/17/2017)

Wrestlerplace is a big strong guy with a hefty punch. I enjoyed our match and would meet again. But he is a very bad jobber! :P


JMM is recommended by Roodle0p (3/17/2017)

Had a lot of fun with JMM. This guy makes a great heel. He brought out the jobber in me! Had a fun match with him and definitely looking forward to another match in the future!


PÉ DE BRIGA is recommended by Touro Lutador (3/17/2017)

2 anos, no instito e vontade de nos atracar.
Combate de macho, porradaria boa! E no final aquela relaxada massa.
Firmamos mais ainda a amizade. Parceragem! De confiança o Broder.
E logo,logo nós repete! 👊


G8ratlarge is recommended by mascmuscphx (3/17/2017)

G8r is a lot of fun. He's big, strong and has a great attitude. Our past matches were always challenging and tough; our most recent one was no exception. You had better be on your game and ready to sweat to take on this man. Down to earth and great off the mats too. Recommend anytime!


Touro Lutador is recommended by PÉ DE BRIGA (3/17/2017)

Apos dois anos de bla bla bla, enfim tivemos nossa luta, foi monstro hahha, gigante vs baixo, foi porrada e patada para todos os lados, e embolada, porém, o cara é bom no boxe e eu nos chutes, foi muito bacana, pode ser que demore novamente mais vamos lutar, indico foi muito bom.
