
t dawg is recommended by Hairywrestler midwest (3/11/2017)

Big muscle boy great guy had a really fun time


hardfitsub is recommended by livingforfight (3/11/2017)

I really loved to meet and wrestle hardfitsub. He likes and knows how to fight well, so I think the time was very enjoyable we spent together. By the way, he is a very simple and friendly guy on and off the mats too.


dewrestler is recommended by slandon23 (3/11/2017)

After months of back and forth finally had a match with dewrestler today it was a rough grueling match he had the advantage with weight but held my own, very nice guy off the mat we had only spoken on line and e-mail before so it was a pleasure to meet and talk to him in person, if you get the chance to wrestle him you should take it


Perseus is recommended by livingforfight (3/11/2017)

Perseus is like a Greek God, he is massive, strong and skilled in bjj. I have no chance to win against him. By the way, he fights very carefully, so I really appreciate his fight atittude and he is a good company on and off the mats too.


hardabs1 is recommended by tonyfigur (3/11/2017)

Hardabs1 has incredible resistance. I kept punching and punching and he took it all. Even after I couldn't take any more he wanted me to keep punching him. Incredible experience, anxious to meet up with him again. highest recommendation.


LutadorBerlin is recommended by roy65 (3/11/2017)

Mit LutadorBerlin hat es mir besonders viel Spaß gemacht.
Wir haben viel Zeit genommen, um ausgiebig zu ringen und zu kämpfen.
Er hat viel Kraft und ist auch sehr flink. Es war eine große Herausforderung für mich. Dazu haben wir uns auch sehr gut unterhalten können.
Ich freue mich sehr, wenn wir uns bald wieder treffen werden.
Ich sage: Danke !!!


roy65 is recommended by LutadorBerlin (3/11/2017)

Ein großartiger Kampf. Zuerst hatten wir einen intensiven Kampf um die physische Überlegenheit, wobei ich mich nur auf Grund des Gewichtsunterschiedes durchsetzen konnte. Ich habe dabei viel von Roy65 gelernt. Nachdem wir uns ausgetobt hatten gingen wir zum Playwrestling über. Das hat mindestens geausoviel Spaß gemacht.Er ist physisch, fit und ein äußerst sympathischer Mensch. Das war mit Sicherheit nicht unser letztes Treffen.


muscularwrestler is recommended by Lutteur-PA (3/11/2017)

I had with muscular wrestler one of the toughest and longest rounds!!
This guy is really incredible in terms of stamina: he never gives up and it is difficult to make him tap!!
Despite my weight advantage, he gave me a great fight! It has been a really sweaty fight until exhaustion. I really hope we will wrestle soon. Ready for the revenge? :-)


BDsubmit is recommended by rjvlatino (3/11/2017)

He is an awesome fun guy with smooth skin and stamina who badly wants to heel me.


Alan2005sg is recommended by AD idf (3/11/2017)

Alan2005sg is a very friendly guy. He likes very much grappling and jjb . Just arrived from the airport go on the mat. And on the mat it's not the same. Strong upper buddy, even if he didn t practice from long time in club, skilled enough to know how avoid the most the holds in arm or upper boddy. Difficult to make him tap. Always with good and safe spirit we played during hours. Take many fun. It's happy to see how he likes play on mat and learn very fast. Don't subestmat him.

Outside mat a very friendly and Happy guy. Easy to discuss, to pass good moment.

For sure highly recommended. Hope we can meet again and again.
