
aussieguy93 is recommended by hashbock (9/26/2016)

I recently had the good luck to wrestle aussieguy93 at Wrestlefest. He's a bundle of energy on the mats and safe and sane with his technique. He's also a good conversationalist with a good sense of humor and a killer smile, so he's a lot of fun both on and off the mats. I'd highly recommend you wrestle him if you get the chance.


aussieguy93 is recommended by Rusnak (9/26/2016)

Good guy. He's strong and working on his skillset. With a little more time on the mats, he's gonna be formidable. Great guy on and off the mats. Don't muss a chance to take him on.


einzelkämpfer is recommended by Octavius (9/25/2016)

Was für ein grandioser Nachmittag mit Einzelkämpfer.
Neben dem fighten, ist er ein angenehmer und vielseitiger Gesprächspartner, der gerne über den eigenen Arbeits- & Lebensbereich hinaus schaut, um Neues kennen zu lernen, aber auch selbst viele Impulse setzt.
Auch wenn ich deutlich unterlegen war im fight, hat es doch großen Spass gemacht mit ihm auf der großen Matte (die er besitzt) zu raufen. Ein Blick auf seinen trainierten Körper zeigt schon, dass der Junge echt Kraft hat, die er gezielt einsetzt. Zudem ist er sehr agil und schnell im Kontern.

Aber der Kuchen, den er extra noch besorgt hat, war eine gute "Versöhnung".
Ich freue mich schon auf unser nächstes Treffen und kann nur beide Daumen nach oben machen 👍


Noby is recommended by absfreak (9/25/2016)

Noby has incrediblly strong abs for gutpunching. I have never seen someone who can take such brutal shots and still smile, It's very hard to impossible to break his abs. It's so much fun to trade punches with Noby. Beside the gutpunching he is a very skilled fighter and his leg scissors are deadly, at least I could resist some seconds *g*. He's a very friendly and open minded guy and I'm happy to have a friend like him.

Highest recommendation!


Rower87 is recommended by Belgianjudoka (9/25/2016)

Had a good fight with this guy. He is quite quick and agile and a fast learner. And did I already mention damned sexy :-) in a singlet.

Always happy for a rematch.


rasslin bodybuilder is recommended by ukfighter (9/25/2016)

A great guy
We have been trying to meet for at least 3 years, and eventually we did today
he plays the jobber part REALLY well and sells the pain brilliantly.
I managed to put him in some long holds, camels, crabs, headlocks, smothers
spladles etc
Great physique and a good wrestler.
Dont miss him if yoou happen to be in Austin


absfreak is recommended by Noby (9/25/2016)

absfreak has very nice and strong abs. We had very much fun with gutpunching and abs torture. He can take alot of punishment.
Besides gutpunching he is a very good friend of me.
He has my best recommendations!


ArmwrestlingFan is recommended by GrapplingHB (9/25/2016)

It's a pleasure to be numero uno. ArmwrestlingFan provokes a lot and he really likes armwrestling and he is also open for submission wrestling. A nice aggressiv but also friendly challenger for everyone who looks for a real fighter.


ukfighter is recommended by rasslin bodybuilder (9/25/2016)

Big heavy set guy who have the power to put me through lots of camels and crabs, smothering pins, rollovers and vice headscissors, luckily he has jet lag or else i would be crawling back to my car, a definite nice guy when he is not in wrestling mode


abs2000 is recommended by Ukwrestle16 (9/25/2016)

This guy is amazing a real kind person that puts you first. Very strong handsome guy very good at punishing. This time he won but i need to make sure the next time we meet he will beg me to stop :) hopefully we will be meeting again very soon.
