Now, I suppose some reader in reading this blog will review a previous blog of mine and suggest that I have a fetish. So, let me confess, and in confessing, clear the decks for something that to date no one seems to have commented upon as a blog; to wit, personal fetishes. So let me say, I find certain men's undergarments of significant interest, and so I have managed to waste not a few dollars in the acquisition of several of these. If you choose to offer to wrestle me you can find out “the rest of the story.” That is, what these are. (Smile.)

Perhaps it would be appropriate to define what a fetish is for all those, if there be any, who subsequently choose to comment on this blog. If you will please, Mr. Merriam: it is among other things “an object or bodily part whose real or fantasied presence is psychologically necessary for sexual gratification and that is a fixation to the extent that it may interfere with complete sexual expression.” I hasten to add by the way that having one does not make you a bad person. (Smile.)

Lots of people who are members have fetishes. Indeed, the opportunity to list these is provided for on each member's profile. Additionally, when viewing a member's profile's introduction, it is not uncommon for elaboration to be provided. My own experience in perusing some member's interests has led me to arrive at some cursory conclusions. These of course may not be wholly valid, but then again, I have seen some interests, some fetishes, that are, for lack of a better word, whoppers.

There are volumes of historical treatises that provide historical evidence that fetishes have been around for almost as long as mankind. Certainly the works of the Marquis de Sade are not novel by any stretch of the imagination. However, I have come to the conclusion that we are not far off from someone publishing a second tome that will more than rival the Marquis' Philosophy In the Bedroom and The 120 Days Of Sodom.

For those with literary skill, of which we have not a few such talented members, have at it. Fame (or infamy) and fortune await you.

Last edited on 10/26/2021 1:22 PM by GINGERMAN; 6 comment(s)

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