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How often do you think about wrestling during the course of a day?

Richard Kohlhoff (0)

5/13/2022 1:14 AM

5 or 6. ok 10. lol. and just look at my favorites ! :)



5/13/2022 1:42 AM

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Pretty often as well!!


Scot Grappler (7)

5/09/2022 3:36 PM

I frequently think about wrestling. When ever I see an attractive guy, especially if he is wearing jeans, I think to myself how much I would like to grapple with him. Quite often it’s a real turn on. The problem is I only wish I could convert the thought into action. There is someone I work with two days a week , OMG how I would love to fight him but of course there is little I can do about this.

Do any of you manage to wrestle with people you meet out with this site?


wrestle4kicks (58)

5/09/2022 3:53 PM

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my best and most exciting match was unplanned and with a guy not on this site


Scot Grappler (7)

5/09/2022 4:01 PM

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How did you meet that guy and get on the subject of fighting



5/08/2022 6:36 AM

10+ Times a day!


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

5/05/2022 4:50 PM

Well, it all depends. But if I am, it's because there's a fun scenario I want to explore in the ring. That's typically where it starts.


Barriobruiser (72)

5/04/2022 6:47 PM

Always have pro wrestling on my mind and whenever I see a guy in public that catches my eye, I immediately imagine what color trunks and boots he might look good in. Call it an obsession but it's a healthy one and I make no apologies for it. Never got into porn and rather see a man in trunks/speedos than nude.


cyclone74 (23)

8/31/2017 11:24 PM

At the gym, in the street or just about anywhere. If I see a good pair legs I dream of what the scissors could do to me. If a guy has good abs what my legs could do to him. It can be many times over the course of a day I think what a guys thighs could do to me


Squashlad (254)

8/31/2017 11:42 PM

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If you're wearing shorts mate, it's everyone else who'll be wondering how much damage those thighs could do! 😂👍


cyclone74 (23)

8/31/2017 11:56 PM

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Lol, my Pythons got to work yesterday. Yeah it becomes a compulsion to see a guy and wonder if he could crush you, or him you. You should come back to oz to practise 😀


Scot Grappler (7)

8/29/2017 1:25 PM

At the age of 62 I am possibly getting too old to fight however that doesn't stop me from constantly wanting to do so particularly when I see an attractive guy especially when he is wearing jeans. Before the advent of the internet I thought I was a freak in my desire to constantly want to fight other men, however I now know that there are many others who think likewise. I know I am not a particularly good fighter but it still gives me such a thrill on the few occasions I manage to organise a match.


cam2785 (3)

7/18/2017 10:18 AM

Agree with the general consensus: From the moment I wake until I go to bed in the evening. There is no shortage of built men in my area, but a chronic shortage of wrestlers!


Fullnelson (3)

7/18/2017 3:27 PM

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Same here. Very few wrestlers in the Newcastle area. About to head to bed and have a wank over some wrestling porn


Dennis (1)

7/07/2017 4:14 PM

All the time. Always comparing myself to guys on the sidewalk or in line at the store, and wonder what it would be like to fight him.


Spruceman (55 )

7/07/2017 4:22 PM

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Always. And I always keep the abs tight when within reach of anyone's fists – just in case they try to prove something with their elbows or fists. All too common a thing to ignore. Am often wondering what it would be like to wrestle – unless the guy doesn't look like wrestling material.


Dennis (1)

7/07/2017 4:26 PM

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Like to strut around in a tight t shirt and if i catch a guys eye bounce my pecs at him. Get some dirty looks but no challenges.


Spruceman (55 )

7/07/2017 4:37 PM

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Doesn't hurt to advertise. Sometimes (if kids aren't around), I'll pound my own abs–good 'n' hard. Tend to keep it above the waistline though


italianinla1980 (2)

3/28/2017 10:07 PM

all the times!! especially if i see during the day some guys i like... everything is a turn on, from the nipples bulging under the t-shirt of a beautiful smile, and is just enough to imagine him without clothes and having him suffering and sweaty in some sexy hold


Fullnelson (3)

3/24/2017 7:03 AM

I think about wrestling all the time. I see guys at work and I think they would be good to wrestle. Love checking guys out and thinking about pairing them up for wrestles.It can be difficult to hide the hard on at times


wrestlenc (15)

3/26/2017 11:19 PM

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Same here.


Spruceman (55 )

2/25/2017 8:58 PM

Incessantly most days, trying to find ways to entice someone to want to come here and wrestle on my mats. Wondering why it's so hard to find guys; since there are so many on the site living within the DC Beltway itself. Being retired, I have lots of time to obsessively search the sites + building the body.


turnbuckl (38)

2/24/2017 3:39 PM

Most of the time.....have been obsessed with pro since i was 5. Great to share the fantasy with another muscular man who has the same head trip and wrestle with uninhibited abandon.....rough but safe and sane.


Mat muscles (0)

2/19/2017 10:11 PM

Think about wrestling all the time, especially when I see a nicely muscled, hairy young guy. Always comparing, and asking myself could I take him. Then I imagine myself putting him in a tight hold like a guillotine and making him submit.


mochablk (22)

2/19/2017 11:21 PM

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Majority of the day. I too size up guys throughout the day.


WildcatLes (29)

3/06/2015 3:59 PM

I think about wrestle several times each day. I visit three wrestling personals sites at least once a day, as well as checking the Recon network, which has
"fighting" as one of the options.

I wish that I could get more matches, but too many guys don't want to wrestle an older, bigger man. I also watch video clips on YouTube and some other sites.


man of 10000 holds (33)

3/06/2015 4:09 PM

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The best wrestlers on this, or any other wrestling site are the older ones. When you spend years looking for and enjoying matches the experiences are the ultimate. I would not trade my 'history" for anything.

Do you want a guy who understands and knows what he is doing, or do you want looks?? I will take the older/experienced guy.

I have embraced my age. It's a "badge of honor" with me. It says I have been around, wrestling many guys in various parts of the U-S.


bobbie (0)

2/22/2017 5:09 PM

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i like your thoughtful and obviously thought-through comments.


man of 10000 holds (33)

3/03/2015 3:46 PM

For many years now, I have sized-up men I encounter every day. Legs are important, but also the way you carry yourself. Guys with an athletic past are evident and noticeable.

I think about (and fantasize) matches every day. If you are into this as much as I have been, how could you not think about it??


mochablk (22)

3/06/2015 8:37 PM

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I couldn't agree with you more! Way too many are completely hung up on looks and age. But that's ok...they're missing out lolol.


jason (27)

3/07/2015 2:02 AM

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So true-age is like fine wine! Always enjoy my matches with all my friends. Like the old saying-been there-done that!


fightguy (20)

2/02/2015 7:34 AM

Yeah, virtually every day, but for me it's only about wrestling/fighting other men. Always checkin' out likely lookin' candidates.


wrestle4kicks (58)

2/04/2015 5:56 PM

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It happens every day. When I come across a fit strong looking mature guy in the streets of about my stats and age, I cant help thinking how it would be to fight him and if I could beat him.


mochablk (22)

2/01/2015 11:22 PM

Hey guys (and girls). Just wondering how often do you think about wrestling during the course of your normal day? I think about it quite often especially when I'm at the gym or just out and about. I see some guy or girl for that matter and wonder if they'd be a good scuffle or two. Any thoughts??


LuchadorFLA (12)

3/08/2015 1:30 PM

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Great minds think alike!!! I also think about wrestling throughout the course of my day - several times a day. Especially at the gym...seeing the other guys is a motivation in my workouts to do extra. I hope others at the gym see my hairy fireplug build and are thinking the same thing!


Squashlad (254)

3/04/2015 6:47 AM

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Well I must be thinking about wrestling when I'm logging into MeetFighters---and I do that about three times per day! Too addictive....


hephaestion2014 (52)

2/22/2017 9:09 PM

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Just the two or three logins? ;)

Yeah, the more I wrestle the more I think about it.

If I'm in a quite period, not a lot.

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