
lincolnshireman53 is recommended by Playfight64 (10/03/2019)

Had a quick meet with this strong for us size guy. Look forward to taking you down next time


bowolverine is recommended by wresnipgym (10/03/2019)

Just met Bo today, we have chatted for a while and finally met. What can say, great guy in every sense. He took his time to coach me is some basic jujitsu. He is a handsome guy and the body is awesome. . Perfect way to spend the afternoon, Nice conversation, very interesting guy. Hope to catch up again. Thanks for a great afternoon. Highly recommended


matfighter is recommended by Rick (10/03/2019)

Had a great tough match with this man. He is tough, strong and had a hot sweaty match with him - would do it again any time.


lutteur174 is recommended by sep65 (10/02/2019)

Effectivement cocorico! Après plusieurs mois d'échanges sur Meet (je parle de 1.611 messages au total avant le tournoi), après 2 projets avortés de se rencontrer en Bretagne et en Belgique, j'ai enfin pu rencontrer Lutteur174, ce lutteur expérimenté et ce grand amateur de vins.
Xavier est un personnage haut en couleurs, plein d'humour et très agréable sur et en-dehors des tapis.
Nous n'avons pas eu l'occasion de lutter beaucoup mais je sais que ce n'est que partie remise. Avant de lutter, s'il vous dit ne pas s'y connaître, ne le croyez pas! Méfiez-vous de sa technique, de sa force et sa grande expérience. Une fois qu'il connaîtra votre point faible, il s'en servira sans compter, tout en s'en excusant.
J'ai beaucoup aimé cette rencontre et le personnage de Xavier que j'invite avec grand plaisir en Belgique.
Un lutteur recommandé à 200% est un lutteur à rencontrer absolument! Ne passez pas à côté de lui!


hostilius3 is recommended by sep65 (10/02/2019)

En voilà une belle rencontre humaine que celle avec Hostilius3. Et il le porte bien son pseudo : il a été bien courageux pendant ces 2 jours de tournoi. Il n'a pas arrêté d'être "provoqué" sur les tapis par tous les participants, malgré que ses ciseaux bien puissants et fermes ont fait tapé le sol plus d'un lutteur.
J'ai pu résister à ses ciseaux mais bien évidemment, j'ai tapé pour une autre raison. J'ai apprécié beaucoup ce moment de lutte avec Hostilius3 et j'espère avoir l'occasion de lutter encore avec lui. Pourquoi pas en Belgique???
Qu'il domine le combat ou qu'il soit en mauvaise posture, vous verrez toujours Hostilius3 avec le sourire aux lèvres. Admirable!
En-dehors des tapis, même s'il manque de respect vis-à-vis de ses aînés (lol), c'est quelqu'un de très très agréable.
Rencontrez-le, vous ne le regretterez pas!
Merci d'être comme tu es, Hostilius3!


Toughwrestler is recommended by scrappyone (10/02/2019)

Quite strong and makes you work to put him in holds. It was a fun and energetic match, though a bit short. I'm glad he made some time for me in his tight schedule.


wrestlerarl703 is recommended by Txwresl (10/02/2019)

Nice guy to roll with. He knows some good wrestling holds and is strong. We did not have much time but what we had was fun. I recommend!


Redmond40 is recommended by NJWoodbridge (10/02/2019)

I met up with the handsome Redmond40 for the first time on 10/1/19. While he's been wrestling for a while, he is relatively new to NYC. He has a great set-up, can host, and has a good size wrestling mat. And what a great host he is! Scheduling was simple, contact by MF message and WA text before and day off the match was simple, and getting into his building was simple. The only difficult part of the evening for me was leaving because I did not want to go (but we both had work in the morning). The struggle was intense and safe, but the outcome not much in doubt because this big man over-powered me at just about every point of our light promission match. I had a fantastic time and look forward to being invited back. It felt great to be tested so.


glitch880 is recommended by B2Bomber (10/02/2019)

glitch880 is a blast to wrestle! We talked trash for a bit beforehand, revving each other up, and as soon as we entered the mat, he charged in with every vicious move in his arsenal. Using his powerful body and weight advantage, he easily plowed me over and dominated the early parts of the match, crushing me with his force and keeping me tied up in submission holds. This fun-loving heel showed no mercy, wrapping me up and teasing me until I tapped out in desperation. In his arrogance, he let his guard down and I was able to take him by surprise with a few gut punches, arm locks and even a sleeper. It was thrilling to bring the big boy down and taunt him as I kept him pinned to the ground with all my might. The tables turned back-and-forth for over an hour as we took turns putting each other down and gloating over the limp and exhausted loser. In the end, we both forced out submissions from the other ending things in a hot and sweaty mess of a draw. glitch880 is a super friendly off the mat and a joy with the jobber/heel pro role-play. I highly recommend him and would jump at the chance for a rematch with this mighty wrestler!


sagittaron2 is recommended by hostilius3 (10/02/2019)

Un lutteur toujours prêt au combat, il se lance au combat avec agilité et force. Le combat devient vite technique et même si la bonne humeur est là on comprends vite que ça ne va pas être une partie de plaisir si on veut gagner. Sa réputation est de progresser à une vitesse folle alors j'espère le revoir vite pour faire plus de combat ce coup si. A très bientôt =)
