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Txwrestlebear is recommended by KnotChaz512 (11/27/2017)

Steve was a great host and we had a good match. Very competitive and he really knows how to use his size. Very fun and approachable too for a first meeting. I definitely recommend.


gabkanar is recommended by mixmail (11/26/2017)

17 de octubre. Es un crack. Lucha hasta que dar extenuados y eso me gusta. Pronto repetiremos... Eso espero con muchas ganas.

27 de noviembre. Hoy tuviste la suerte y la valentía de los leones. Viniste con ganas. Eso sí me gustó lo de "subir de nivel", ya sabes que me va bastante. Espero la próxima pronto y estaré preparado.


mixmail is recommended by gabkanar (11/26/2017)

17 oct 17 despues de mucho tiempo hemos vuelto a coincidir horarios y lugar para pelear. Lucha muy divertida y con muchas ganas por ambas partes, como siempre. En breve a por otra, vete preparándote..

26 nov 17 Otro combate, a tope. Cada vez luchas mas fuertes e intensas. Gracias tio, en breve a por otra, a ver si ganas, jejeje.


pndfighter is recommended by Zürich (11/26/2017)

This man doesn’t leave you a single second to breathe during the fight. He moves constantly, trying to switch to a better position and liberates himself out of any immobilisation. If you’re not careful or with a poor stamina he will completely exhaust you within a few seconds. Great back and forth action during more than 2 hours. Even tough I would have loved to go on for many more rounds. But time didn’t allow. Looking forward for a next encounter with this highly skilled fighter to see who either runs out of breath or strength first.

I was more than lucky that he found a time slot to meet up for a fight. It wasn’t obvious, knowing the tough and tight schedule he was in.

Outside of the mat a very sociable person with a maturity that can rarely be found by guys his age. Strong and very solid character. Definitely recommended to any fighter out there


lutte dij is recommended by learner71 (11/26/2017)

Il nous aura fallu du temps mais nous y sommes arrivés : et la patience fut largement récompensée. Lutte _dij est un opposant très généreux, disposant d'une condition physique excellente ce qui le rend infatigable. Beaucoup de plaisir dans les assauts, une belle expérience en grappling. Un combattant engagé et très sûr. Vous pouvez y aller sans crainte de casse, mais n'attendez pas de cadeaux pour autant !


Combat21 is recommended by learner71 (11/26/2017)

Combat21 annonce chercher des combats virils et engagés respectueux de l'adversaire : contrat rempli à 100% et vous trouverez là un opposant ayant des références techniques en grappling combinées à un cardio qui vous donneront beaucoup de plaisir... et du fil à retordre ! Très bel esprit ! Evidemment chaudement recommandé...


learner71 is recommended by Combat21 (11/26/2017)

Super performance sportive à plusieurs pour cette première rencontre avec ce solide lutteur très sympathique et axé lutte libre mais très ouvert au grappling et avide de mettre son expérience en oeuvre et d'enrichir ses techniques lors d'un relai combats de 3 lutteurs motivés par cet après midi intense en dépense d'énergie !
Au plaisir de réitérer ces moments pugilistiques de haut vol.


Zürich is recommended by pndfighter (11/26/2017)

An accomplished wrestler and a great person to boot - you'll find all of this and more in the man they call Zürich!

It was a great coincidence that we were in Salzburg at the same time. I could have not been a happier person that we really managed to meet up, despite it looking to be difficult at first.

I felt at ease from the first second of meeting him in person and we enjoyed a brief chat before getting it on with our match! He's a great guy: Strong, tough, resilient and skilled. He makes you work from the first second you shake hands and he doesn't stop to until somebody taps.

Also, he does not seem to tire out at all, so you better be in for the long haul! (Despite our rather "brief" match in this case - I guess we could have gone on for longer if it wasn't for the time-limit!)

Off the mats, he's a very sociable person and great to have a casual chat with!


Lucario92 is recommended by Wrestlingguy (11/26/2017)

What a fun match that was! Lucario was a really nice guy and very down to earth. I'm slightly gutted that he's off abroad for a bit as I would love to meet up with him again at some point. Highly recommended - just watch out for those mean bear hugs!

***November 2017

After two years we finally got to wrestle again. What a treat. Really enjoyed working him over and doing a few rounds of competitive. Can’t recommend enough!


lehem15 is recommended by bobster (11/26/2017)

OK just had a match with Ben. AWESOME!!! That is the best I can say. He is a fantastic wrestler wanting to learn new tactics and holds.
He works out and that is obvious when you see him and it really shows.
We had 4 matches on my mats and he took me in 3 of them. If you ever get a chance to wrestle Ben then treat yourself to a fun time and a great match. He is welcome here any time and my door is open for him. I just wish he lived closer to Charlotte.
