
RNC23 is recommended by ChicagoSubWrestler (10/25/2017)

What a wrestler. Legs of steel out of nowhere. Avoids tapping like nobody's business. Great all around wrestler, with surprising strength. We will wrestle again.


t dawg is recommended by Swenrique (10/25/2017)

What can I say about T_Dawg...except HELL of a LOT of fun!!! Big, strong...aggressive and accommodating!! This man is a barrel of fun!!! Great on the mats and off!!! Looking very much forward to the day our paths cross again!!!


Pro N SD is recommended by Swenrique (10/25/2017)

Full of good natured smack and a wicked sense of humor...this man truly knows how to make a match fun! My time spent rolling with him passed WAY TOO quickly!!! It took way too long for us to connect for this match and hopefully our next match won't take any where near as long!!! Great guy on and off the mats!
Strongest recommendations!


Redmond40 is recommended by Swenrique (10/25/2017)

Redmond40 reached out to me on a buddy's recommendation! We chatted briefly and then arranged our match! The day arrived and this great big, burly man greeted me with an amazing and enthusiastic smile! After chatting for a bit more about our match Redmond40 swooped me up into a huge lifted bearhug! This man's got some power, (but he's not the only one😈)...and I knew this was gonna be fun! He's a total heel who loves a good solid give and take...and that's just what he got!!! Great guy off the mats, intelligent, funny and just awesome to hang with!
Truly Looking forward to the next time the wind blows Redmond40 my way!😉
If he's in your area....definitely don't miss out!


spiilitwill is recommended by RoninWrestler (10/25/2017)

I had a ton of fun with this guy. We wrestled for a few hours which turned into a really great night of wrestling. This guy is smaller than most, but can definitely put up a fight. He's also a really nice guy off the mats too. Very glad I was able to meet and wrestle him! Looking forward to a rematch one day.


AussieBoxer is recommended by Ringerohr (10/25/2017)

He is a real fighter and not afraid of having a real fight.
Outside the ring he is a polite and gentle person.
I can recommend him to anybody who want to box.


boombambam is recommended by Wrassleboi (10/25/2017)

Awesome wrestler, great bearhugs! Super sweet guy and fun conversationalist. Recommended!!


abradtner is recommended by Swiss-Fighter (10/25/2017)

Feisty and strong fighter
Puts up a great fight and doesnt tap easy
Always comes back for more

Highly recommended
Great guy off the mats too!


Rassle4Fun is recommended by Rasslebarefoot (10/25/2017)

Amazing match with this muscular hot rassler. Totally dominated me on the mats and the action continued from there. Enjoyed this match very much, look forward to a rematch, and highly recommend this master of the mats!! I can't describe adequately how hot this total alpha man is. Smooth, smooth, smooth muscle and incredible sweat. Man, i can't wait for a rematch with this hot daddy.


roy65 is recommended by ZlightWrestler (10/25/2017)

Ein spaßiges Wochenende mit roy65,mit dem man lange und ausgiebig ringen kann.Ich war ihm technisch überlegen,aber er gibt sich immer Mühe gegen zu halten und setzt gute Griffe an,läßt sich gern einige Tricks zeigen. Wir haben unsere Zeit gut genutzt,verschiedene Outfits probiert und sogar in Öl gerungen. Der Spaß stand im Vordergrund und wir haben uns noch stundenlang Wrestling-Videos angesehen. Ein sehr empfehlenswerter und netter Zeitgenosse.
