
Pinstride is recommended by wrestlingkit (7/14/2018)

Excellent fighter ... strong, fast, persistent, aggressive, a real pleasure to fight with him. After a very long fight we ended up exhausted. I almost do not remember when there was so much sweat on my mat as in this fight :). I loved fighting with him, because besides his wrestling qualities he is an excellent guy, thank you very much for coming to fight with me it has been a pleasure and a great honor to sweat with you on the tatami, and here I am ready for the rematch. I am sure that we will repeat soon.
If you have the opportunity to fight with him, DO NOT FORGIVE him, you will have a great time with him.
recommended one hundred percent
strong hug grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


Lutteur-PA is recommended by mec590208 (7/14/2018)

Quelle rencontre inattendue que celle d'avec ce lutteur...Certes, il est très fort physiquement , techniquement, je me faisais beaucoup de souci à cause de cela en ayant lu toutes ses belles recommandations ...Je ne savais pas si j allais le décevoir mais, depuis plusieurs mois , nous étions en contact et il m avait proposé une rencontre, j en étais déjà honoré ...Et jeudi, ce fut le grand jour, je confirme qu'il est très fort mais dans ce très fort, j ai enfin compris qu'il y avait ce pouvoir de donner cette envie de lutter encore et encore avec une combativité et une énergie qui m ont permis de me surpasser et de vouloir enfin gagner..... Grâce à lui j ai enfin trouvé cette envie de vaincre.... Il trouve les mots et les situations pour vous faire réagir peut être d'un ton franc et sec mais il ne faut pas oublier qu'on est dans un combat... Mille mercis à toi ...Je suis sorti grandi par cette rencontre avec de sages conseils pour faire évoluer ma tactique de combat. ...Attention pour ceux qui veulent savoir si je l ai battu, bah non, il maitrise tellement le combat qu'il parvient toujours à se sortir de la difficulté. ...Un grand maître humble qui ne se vante pas du tout d être très fort puisqu il dit qu'il existe plus fort que lui , moi, je peux vous dire que c est déjà du haut de gamme...Surtout, un conseil, n'hésitez pas à entrer en contact avec lui et s'il vous propose une rencontre,ne faites pas comme moi ,foncez ,vous ne serez pas déçus du voyage dans le combat avec cet expérimenté rassurant ....Et encore MERCI.


sagittaron2 is recommended by Djay36 (7/14/2018)

Excellent moment passé en compagnie de sagittaron2 qui au delà du corps à corps est très intéressant & très souriant ..Je le recommande of course .. :-) ...


vocaljock is recommended by RhodyRaybo (7/14/2018)

Met Vocaljock at Thunderdome this weekend and I was very pleasantly surprised. He is very strong and skilled in wrestling. He is also a very friendly guy you can easily bond with. Thumbs up, way , way up!


bigchicago is recommended by BigLatinMan (7/14/2018)

Fun time meeting and wrestling this tough guy while on vacation in vegas. Knows how to use his strength and and size to take control. A fun match


leanmachine BE is recommended by PJ1 (7/13/2018)

I have met this guy in a ring in Prague, it was more submission rather than pro-style wrestling, but it was a very useful lesson for me... We did some give and take wrestling and we have spent one hour of intense wrestling in the ring. Finally, he put me in a devastating boston crab and subsequent camel clutch in front of my gal - it was a very humiliating finish of the match.

Anyway, Hugh is a very reliable and a truly nice guy, at the same time, skilled and powerul wrestler in the ring who fights with the ambition to win the match. I can highly recommend him for both submission and pro-style wrestling!


RhodyRaybo is recommended by vocaljock (7/13/2018)

Rhody was extremely fun to play with at Thunderdome. He's very personable off the mat and will make you work and earn past opponent status.


Trainsp is recommended by ghostblinks (7/13/2018)

On commence dans la cuisine pour finir sur le tapis, dans une intrigue en 24 images par seconde. Tic tic tac, le duel express est lancé pour dans 24h et nous voilà à nous ruer l'un sur l'autre. Les experts n'avaient pas menti sur son talent: d'un bout à l'autre des 24min des rounds enchainés, j'ai senti un lutteur différent comme s'il avait eu 24 jours d'entrainement, florissant de techniques et de réflexes. Prometteur! Oh oui, il ira loin dans l'amusement et le fun!


dundun is recommended by Tanker (7/13/2018)

Dundun spent 5 years in a freestyle wrestling club and is one of the most skilled, strong agile wrestlers I have met. Very lean, his bones dig into you making his submissions (which are applied with lightening speed and textbook efficiency) a very painful and vivid experience indeed! Uses all parts of his body in attack, watch out especially for his long powerful legs
Off the mats Dundun is a lovely kind hearted guy, lot of fun, we spent several hours together and the time just flew, chatting like old friends although its is the first time we have actually met
He is very safe on the mats and generous about sharing his knowledge. Our meeting was quickly & easily arranged. Highest recommendation as fighter and as a man


Churd is recommended by henri70 (7/13/2018)

Very glad to be the 100 opponent of this experienced and skilled wrestler we had have great stamina, good fun wrestling and nice Friday evening, very nice guy out of matts and yes definitely we will meet again.
