
boxercvy is recommended by AussieBoxer (10/26/2017)

Another real boxer. Expert coach as well. Delightful person. Highly recommended.


kykramtoad is recommended by Marcwrestler (10/26/2017)

Had lot of great time to meet and wrestle this heel! We did back and forth match, heel vs heel! Lot of fun! Lot of holds! This guy is strong and skilled with lot of holds! Forward for wrestle him again!


Alecmusc is recommended by Crusher13 (10/26/2017)

Well, for those of you who are looking to test your strength Alec is your man. I can't remember the last time I've encountered, if ever, someone so strong and skilled as this Brazilian Beast. His build is so muscled and thick it was hard most of the time to get him in solid holds. Such an incredible experience to meet up and wrestle and he's willing to offer good tactical advice along the way. I would definitely meet up again and recommend him to anyone.


technics2 is recommended by Marcwrestler (10/26/2017)

Had a great time with this wrestler! He know lot of submissions holds! He is very skilled. I was impressed ! He have a great passion for fight, MMA, martial arts, boxing! I was need to tap pretty at all holds that he give to me! : ) He really dominated me pretty during all the match! At the end of our wrestle session, he teach me some holds! I appreciated! He is very great guy IN and OUT of the mats! Enjoyed my conversations with him as well! Forward for meet and wrestle him again when i will cross Louisville KY!


guts4sluggin is recommended by SammyBoy (10/26/2017)

Had a fun time and a great guy.


dcgrappler is recommended by AussieBoxer (10/26/2017)

What we in Australia call a "total legend". I actually fought several guys from the DC area a couple of times in his mat room before I actually met the man himself the third time round. Then off came the shirt and on went the gloves - can't get better than that! Top-of-the-line recommendation.


munichsubfight is recommended by kimmetje (10/26/2017)

I had a wonderful time wrestling munichsubfight. He was kind enough to accept a late-night match as I needed to fly into Munich late and could only offer a hotel match for him. We worked as a great team reorganising the room to make our wrestling match happened and then proceeded to wrestle and talk for three solid hours. Munichsubfight is a powerful and highly technical wrestler who anticipates his adversary's moves and is quick to counter. I found his willingness to show me some holds and help me try them absolutely fantastic! We struggled long, hard, and strenuously - exactly the kind of match I love and the kind of wrestler I enjoy combatting. Highly recommend and can't wait for our next encounter, where ever it may be!


fig4man is recommended by AussieBoxer (10/26/2017)

Strong as an ox. Loves nothing more than a good hard fight. Totally reliable. We've had a couple of great fights over the years and look forward to more. Top-level recommendation.


BoxerCoachinmd is recommended by AussieBoxer (10/26/2017)

One of the best around. Have boxed him several times now and each fight just gets more enjoyable for the both of us. An easy-going, fun, but hard-hitting fighter you can count on to make things happen in the boxing ring (or in our case, the magic mat room!) Top-level recommendation.


Boxer Daddy is recommended by AussieBoxer (10/26/2017)

Premium boxer. Always in the ring. A wealth of boxing knowledge for fighters at all levels. Have sparred him a number of times over the years and have enjoyed each session enormously, coming away with new skills each time. Highest recommendation possible for anyone serious about their boxing.
