
Big Guy is recommended by wrestlepinandsub (8/01/2015)

I had a great match with Big Guy. He is a tough opponent and a good guy to talk with.


BearRoma is recommended by eco1 (8/01/2015)

Un ottimo lottatore!
Capace di regolarsi a seconda del livello del suo avversario!
Un incontro molto divertente!
Fuori dal ring persona affidabile e piacevole!
Molto consigliato a chi vuole un bel mach di wrestling!


mason brooks is recommended by rock20087 (8/01/2015)

Strong, cocky wrestler that's even more fun in person than on video. Real cook guy off the mats, but wicked when it comes to applying punishing holds. Too good to let stay in semi-retirement!


amsl is recommended by ARGONSA1 (8/01/2015)

très bonnes techniques debout pour soulever de terre
de belles cuisses galbées !
après c'est vrai que je lui ai donné du fil à retordre !
Prometteur !


wrestleku is recommended by fatboston (8/01/2015)

He was very skillful and strong.
I enjoyed wrestling with him.


Noby is recommended by g6fighter (7/31/2015)

Bemerkenswert ist, dass wir nur nach ein paar Tagen Kontaktaufnahme schon auf der Matte gelandet sind.
Ich hatte es aber irgendwie geahnt, dass Du mit Deiner Kampftechnik mit mir "spielen" wirst. Und dann auch noch fast 1 1/2 Stunden lang und immer mit einen provozierenden Lächeln, das mich angespornt hat, aber ich trotzdem chancenlos gegen Deine Technik, Schnelligkeit und Kraft blieb. Dabei bist Du immer sehr FAIR geblieben! und hast auch geduldig versucht mir einige "böse" Griffe beizubringen :-)))) ... Beeindruckt hat mich auch Dein Sixpack und was Du so aushalten kannst. RESPEKT.
Kann Dich allen empfehlen, die auch etwas technisch härter kämpfen wollen und können.
Außerhalb der Matte bist Du ein netter und freundlicher Kerl. Danke für Deine Gastfreundschaft.


BrawlerBoy14 is recommended by msclhard (7/31/2015)

GREAT guy, and a ton of fun to wrestle. Takes more punishment than anyone! DEFINITELY worth wrestling.


LondonWrestle is recommended by edscissors (7/31/2015)

Having exchanged messages for a few weeks we had an enjoyable hotel meet in central London and both knew what to expect. He is a nice, easy-going guy: strong so he made me sweat - in a good way! We had fun and between holds (sometimes even from within a hold!) chatted easily and comfortably. He uses what he calls his "rugby legs" to great effect! I hope we shall keep in touch.


Norcalfur is recommended by NickZ (7/31/2015)

Got to roll with Jeff again this past Friday and had a good, fun submission match. Extra recommendation points for the gut punching. :)



riotgear is recommended by nycwrestlegp1 (7/31/2015)

Always have a fantastic time with this young, hot, smart stud. Can take everything you dish out and give it back with the best of them...:) Highly recommended for great punching, great wrestling, great hot action, great conversation...a good time for sure!
