ukman65's blog

lockdown equals slimdown?

There is not much good about COVID19 but I was wondering if, like me, any of you are slimming down under lockup?

I know there is less exercise but, in reality weight loss is calories intake thing.

With most of the " rich" world in lockdown people are having to think about their food stores and maybe eating less. I know I am.

Also no more eating out. Most resturant/takeaway food is full of fat and calories but no veggies. In London 25% of meals were eaten out , now replaced by home cooked food which is usually healthier.

I always try to be lean and toned when I go onto mats, even at my old age and I've lost 1kg/2.2lbs in three weeks , anybody else expecting to be leaner when this is over?

Last edited on 3/31/2020 10:40 AM by ukman65



hugefan (86)

3/31/2020 11:01 AM

Unfortunately not so far, im trying to do a weekly shop rather than picking things up as and when as I used to. A cupboard full of food and being a stress eater is not a good combination. I joke that I will set up a YouTube channel, twenty stones in twenty days. Im hoping to get into better habits as I get into a routine. Thankfully, in a way, I still need to work in a sheltered housing scheme which cuts down my eating time🐷🐖


Dionysius (8)

3/31/2020 4:12 PM

Hi UKman, good to see you still on here and contributing. I hear what huge fan is saying but for me the lockdown is definitely working to reduce weight ( and body fat I hope). I’m not sure it’s a case of eating less for me but probably increased exercise. Working from home has allowed me to be much more disciplined about when I start and finish work and is allowing me to make sure I get out and exercise more regularly. It’s also allowing me to be more varied and balanced in my exercise, Balancing up the amount of running and cycling against upper body work.
I am trying to be more disciplined and it what I eat and how much I eat but it’s my biggest weakness. However, your point about not eating out is very very true. I do usually eat out a lot and obviously haven’t been for the last two weeks and have already lost 3lbs. Another 3-4 weeks and I will be really ripped 😀


LeanInSpeedos (14)

3/31/2020 4:49 PM

Locked down here in the Hudson Valley, New York. Although I do not need to slim down I am making an effort to eat very healthy. I am determined to put this time to good use for myself and through donations to worthy causes, so much needed at this time. I have free weights and a press bench to continue my workouts at home. I have become friends with RadnerBearman from this site and he is training me a few times a week, via phone, for strengthening the core, a solid hour each time...amazing!!! I am also fortunate to be able to cycle through the mountains near by, which is great for the spirt.


gymrat (35)

4/02/2020 12:09 AM

Ha! I wish. Rather, I'm getting to know my wine collection - which for lean fitness, is not a good thing. But it sure is tasty.


Juggernaut (0)

4/02/2020 12:07 PM

Slimming down? Actually, I trying to beef up LOL. But yeah, all of us could stand to lose a layer of fat or two (especially us fat Americans), and 85% of that is diet. Gotta come up with creative ways to exercise at home. But fortunately for all those that don't know how to cook (how is that even possible?), the drive-thru is still open.
