
luttpass is recommended by wrestler75 (11/09/2015)

Un lutteur très sympa et un très bon accueil avec de l entraînement il progressera très vite....


Basi100 is recommended by Swisswrestler (11/09/2015)

Das Fighttreffen mit Basi100 war anstrengend und schweisstreibend. Trotz meines Grössen und Gewichtvorteils musste ich mich sehr anstrengen, damit ich eine Chance hatte. Er ist stark und sehr schnell, nehmt euch in acht.
Er ist ein netter, humorvoller, unkomplizierter Kerl, es hat grossen Spass gemacht sich mit ihm zu treffen, ich hoffe bald wieder.


midwestboxer is recommended by ILFIGHTER (11/09/2015)

Good boxer with no attitude. We had a good time moving around and getting some rounds in. If you like real boxing and want to enjoy yourself and not worry about getting hurt, you'll enjoy yourself with him!


mekmall is recommended by Gutboxer (11/09/2015)

Good gut slugging with another Taker. A gentleman before and after, and a hard hitter and taker when the gloves are on. I am sure we will meet up again for another go round.


Judo4fun is recommended by nickfight (11/09/2015)

It was a pleasure tomeet judo4fun.
He's a nice wrestler both on the mat than outside.
he'a a goid jobber and was a pleasure keep him and his head among my legs.
he likes wrestling and bjj twcniques we have trief and after applied them wrestling
he likes cilture, history, tourism, kitchen, music and also wreatling and was nice after wrestling talk about it in front a good italian pizza..
i recomand him, and hope to meet him again.


royboy is recommended by builtbod (11/09/2015)

Competitive guy who likes it tuff and rough...can dish it out and take it too....a lot of fun...and a great guy off the matts too...rematch again when he comes back to joisey...


btler is recommended by mdbxrwrslr (11/09/2015)

Great time boxing with btler. Don't let the age fool you, he's a skilled boxer, moves well, hard puncher. Easy to work with - we set up the match in 2 maybe 3 messages and 1 phone call. Great guy on/off the mats, would definitely recommend meeting with him if you get the opportunity. Look forward to gloving up with him again!


wrestler75 is recommended by luttpass (11/09/2015)

Bonne suée avec un lutteur très fort et tonique ; j'ai été largement dominé, mais rencontre chaude et très amicale


marsupi is recommended by Drei4 (11/09/2015)

La rencontre s'était très interessant et j'ai pu apprendre quelques nouvelles techniques avec Marsupi. Il n'est pas un adversaire à sous-estimer, s'il ne paraît pas trop fort, il connaît bien quelques coups pour immobiliser son adversaire de forme définitif. Il posséde cependant beaucoup de force a ses jambes. C'était pour moi un adversaire difficile. Si je suis résistant, il est un excellent stratège. Il me faut aussi dire, qu'il est très sympha et quelqu'un d'agréable. Je le récommande vivement.


curious boi is recommended by mrhunkto (11/09/2015)

great guy, great body too , good to roll around with and have fun at it
