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GrapplingHB is recommended by olivier3721 (7/19/2010)

this guy is amazing. A real MMA fighter with lots of technics. Almost impossible to get ou of his legs ... strong guy and nice to meet too


abyssguy is recommended by Toughwrestler (7/19/2010)

i had with ed a very fun and competitiv fight, very kind person who knows how to fight with a lot of stamina...


fightwell is recommended by Mark uk (7/18/2010)

Have wrestled Adrian several times now and gets better and better everytime we meet. Met for a 3 way last week and have a 1on1 match this week, can't wait. Definently a absolute must as a recommendation from me. mark


KMMAN is recommended by Rusnak (7/16/2010)

KMMAN is a great guy. Strong and skilled, I can always count on him to give me a competive match on the mats. He's also a good sparring partner too. If you have the opportunity to take him, don't miss it. He's a great guy off the mats as well!


manchesterwrestler is recommended by Wrestledad (7/15/2010)

Paul is on of the best brit pro/promission wrestlers out there. He really knows his stuff, not only a range of holds but how to apply them to best effect and how to seamlessly flow from one hold to another. He definitely has a heel streak in him but he is very safe and sane.
Off the mats Paul is one of the nicest guys I know and has really done a lot to promote/encourage wrestling meets in the community.


adiboy is recommended by wrestler2000 (7/15/2010)

He is a nice and funloving person, but on the mats he is tough and serious about wrestling. Skilled and very competitive wrestler. I'll fight him again and recommend him to everybody.


wrestler2000 is recommended by adiboy (7/14/2010)

This guy is a real tough submission wrestler. He is very skilled and strong. He's reliable and a very nice person.
We will meet again for a fight.


boine is recommended by manchesterwrestler (7/13/2010)

I very rarely venture into submission these days but had a brief bout with Boine recently at a group meet . I've met enough guys to know when I'm wrestling someone who safely knows their stuff.Saw him wrestle others too and his slow and deadly approach is the sign of someone who knows their way around a mat . If you like your action full on then he is definitely your guy. Gave him an hysterically bad boxing bout ( on my part ) so if you are a skilled boxer go kick his ass - he will love you for it :)


finest is recommended by 1try2pinme8 (7/11/2010)

great guy, fun to wrestle with and most importantly genuine. brilliant legs. accept his challenge, you'd be a fool not to


Glasgow is recommended by mikecumbria (7/11/2010)

Pete is a great guy to wrestle - reliable, fit, friendly and fun, he introduced me to the great delights of oil wrestling in a plastic swimming pool yesterday. He's strong and flexible as well as determined and persistent - thoroughly recommended.
